Mystophelees' Magical Makeup of Cats


Hi there! I'm Mystophelees, and you've reached my little corner of the web.

As some of my visitors may have noticed, this page is rarely updated anymore. Sorry to say, this will probably continue to be the case. I have streamlined the page a bit, to remove some of the loose ends, so you will also notice there is less content than there was before. However, the heart of the page, as I originally envisioned it - the makeup patterns and instructions - will remain intact. The goal of this page is to inform and provide reference to anyone who is making a costume, or just playing with makeup. So please enjoy what's here, and I hope it's useful.

All of the pics here (unless otherwise noted) are created by me, so no stealing! (Even if they aren't mine, no stealing! I asked first, you have to too.) If you'd like them, email me and let me know where you want to use it/them, believe me, I don't bite! I'd be flattered if anyone thought them good enough to be interested, but I don't want them to go anywhere without my knowing it.

I apologize, but I will no longer be taking submissions for the site. With the seriously reduced updates, it's not really fair to collect things that won't go up.

I have a guestbook at the bottom of the page, please sign it. It'll only take you a minute, and I like to see who's been here. Please keep entries 'G' rated. Thanks.

I've created a few banners if you'd like to use them to link to me. They are here.

There's plenty to do here, so look around and enjoy!



CharactersFan Art

Fan FictionMy Misc. Art and Photos









View the old guestbook:

View It!

I changed guestbooks because this one was unreliable and slow.



This CATS Webring site owned by the Jellicle known as Mystophelees.
If you are a fan of CATS, the musical, join the ring!
[ Prev-5 CATS | Prev CAT | Next CAT | Next-5 CATS | Random CAT | List CATS ]





Note: No infringement on any copyrights held by other persons is intended. All the characters, music, names, symbols, etc. belong to their respective creators. This page was merely created to show my love of the musical. I don't own any of the aforementioned stuff. I never was in the musical (just in case anyone wasn't clear on that...) I've only watched the video about a million times. I'm not affiliated in any way with any of the creative entities behind it.

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