Welcome to CrashDown!
hey boys and girls. this here's my first atempt at writing html, so bear with me. i've done some webwork before, and even been paid for it once or twice, but that was all in fancy graphical editors. here's one example, a school project/midterm. it's the official site of our Music Department, and i did it in Net Objects Fusion 4.0. So now i'm going grass roots; back to basics; down 'n dirty; in other words: i'm trying this one in pure code, with a beutiful little freeware code editor called 1st Page 2000, put out by Evrsoft. but i digress. back to buisness. after i give a little shoutout to my old dorm: th3 733t |\|0y3z 80yz.
-[PAC]RogueNine out