
Welcome to the Home of Anime Freaks. You may have noticed, I'm doing some more rearranging around. So please be patient. If some of the links dont work, please Email Me and I will fix it right away. I have many things planned, so please bookmark this page. Arigato ^_^
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Going to Anime Expo? Visit the Anime Expo site!
ALL SLAYERS FANS! If you haven't read this trilogy, it is a must read fanfic!Slayers.. Reflect, Chaos, and Rebirth.
Also visit this site
1/12/99--Added some Gundam pictures!! Not much, but hey, cute guys!! You have to like them..... if only a few..~_~; ^_^
1/9/99--Er.... just a minor change in the "About Me" section.
1/5/99--Heh.. um yes I know I still got lots more to do. I changed the welcome picture back. Er... maybe I will have my pictures up soon? Maybe? ~_~;
You are the th anime freak to visit my site since October 19th! Arigato!
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