"The forms are many in which the unchanging seeks relief from its formlessnes."
Beckett, Malone Dies


Welcome to a Kingdom of the Wall.

I have decided to scrap all plans of making this a site full of reviews etc. Instead, I am going to be concentrating my efforts on a SINGLE writer, whose work I greatly admire:

Barry N. Malzberg


You can find what I've put up on the web about him so far at my tribute site to him:

Overlay: Malzberg the Gamesman



Rather than having this be the Malzberg site, i.e. have that as my main site, I'm leaving this page up in case later on I get the temptation of adding non-Malzberg related items.

Links to other web-sites of potential interest:

This many fellow Climbers have reached this Kingdom on their Pilgrimage:

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