Welcome to the haven. My name is Ryce and this is my home. Gloomy yet as it may seem it is glorious during the night. I work best then too. ;) This is the Haven of Dark Blood. A totally different world that exist beyond the day. With moon on high you can hear them as they welcome its glow. A power beyond imagination that only they know.
So wonder my home and view everything at peace. I shall be here if you need me. Please sign my guestbook so that I can view your site. Laterz.

"I was summoned to greet Death with open arms,
but I was pushed aside to live forever in his shadow."

The Cast

The Series

Stories and Such

Dark Quotes

My Adopted Pets

Apply for an Award *on hold for now*

Awards I've Won

Cliques and Ribbons



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My current mood swing:
My current mood swing

Come within the city limits of Big City Terror

My name is Merlin
Vampire Pet
I was adopted at the
Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Vampire Animals

All graphics and trademarks used throughout this site are property of their respective owners.
Information and characters used for the series are fictional and therefore are copyright to Katie BB and should not be repeated elsewhere.