
Unable to think of any real content, I'm contenting myself with this picture of me looking regal in my armor. Oh, yeah.

And here's one of me actually not looking too shabby.

I have better glasses now, and my bangs aren't quite so nuts, but that's one of very few decent pictures.

I'm highly active in the Society for Creative Anachronism (or SCA). I've met more of the people most dear to me in the SCA than anywhere else. My favorite activity in the society is fighting. I routinely put on about 70 some-odd pounds of armor and beat my friends with sticks who are trying desperately (and usually suceeding) at beating me back. It's great fun for all involved.

My favorite website, hands down, has to be SomethingAwful. If you aren't a member already, I highly recommend their forums. Only $10, and hours and hours of entertainment. You'd spend more money going to the movies for three hours, and SA is much, much more worth it.

I've recently discovered hot men in kilts. Oh, and they also play wonderfully awesome music. They are the Brobdignagian Bards. I got a hug from one of them by using Ochem/ChemE as a pickup line. So they're talented, brilliant, and attractive. You just don't get much better than that. They also fix computers, and for $250 an hour plus travel will sing to you while they fix them. If I were ridiculously stupid rich, I'd break my computer on purpose.

Another fantastic artist is Jason Webley. Another awesome guy. He crashed here when they did a concert, so I got to hang out with him for a while. It was fantastic. He has a spectacular stage presence and is generally a wonderful guy. Buy his CDs, go to his concerts, and enjoy him. But not in that sense. He has a girlfriend.

Much less indie and my absolute favorite artist of all time is Billy Joel. Shut up, and just go listen to his music. I own every album he put out up until 2000 when he stopped putting on concerts and started composing instrumental music for the piano. I heart Billy Joel, and I'm ever so disappointed that I'll never get to see him in concert. So heartbreaking.

And now, I have no idea what else to put on here, so I'm going to let it go for a while and work on it later, maybe. If I feel like it. Probably not. I just felt a change was necessary after five years of the same webpage followed by three years of not touching it.

Yes, I do, in fact, realize this is the worst webpage layout ever in the universe, only without flash or animated gifs. Don't care.