You have reached the Level-Store of  the ESC's "Jedi Special Units" page.
Here are placed the most impressing levels you have ever seen for MotS and JK.

Click on the game you want levels for:

"Jedi Knight" & "Mysteries of the Sith" Singleplayer Levels

"Jedi Knight" & "Mysteries" of the Sith Multiplayer Levels

"X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter" & "Balance of Power" Singleplayer Levels

"X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter" & "Balance of Power" Multiplayer Levels

Check out the following Singleplayer Levels for "Jedi Knight" and "Mysteries of the Sith":


Singleplayer Levels for...
"Jedi Knight"
Singleplayer Levels for...
"Mysteries of the Sith"

None available yet...

None available yet...


Check out the following Multiplayer Levels for "Jedi Knight" and "Mysteries of the Sith":


Multiplayer Levels for...
"Jedi Knight"
Multiplayer Levels for...
"Mysteries of the Sith"

Download "The Ultimate Saber Pack (USP)
...from JKMAG

See details on...JKMAG - USP

JKMAG - Level download...

Battle of Carcoon - Blaze in the Dune Sea

Escher World 1&2

No Contest

Qat Crystac Outpost

Salapaz City

See details on the... 
JKMAG - MotS Level Site

Thanks to JKMAG!


Download "The Ultimate Guns Pack (UGP)"
...from JKMAG

See details on...JKMAG - UGP

More impressing Levels...
(Available on this Server!)

Pool Of Life


More impressing Levels...

(Available on this Server!)


More Levels coming soon...

Thats just the beginning!!! ;-)


Check out following Singleplayer Levels for "X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter" and "Balance of Power":


Singleplayer Levels for...
"X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter"
Singleplayer Levels for...
"Balance of Power"

None available yet...

None available yet...


Check out following Multiplayer Levels for "X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter" and "Balance of Power":


Multiplayer Levels for...
"X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter"
Multiplayer Levels for...
"Balance of Power"
None available yet...
Attack on Kuat Drive Yards

Author: ESC_Glzmo
Type: Imperial 1-8 player cooperative mission
Special Requirements: Imp. Tac Ship patch

The Imperial Navy has been defeated and the New Republic (formerly known as Rebel Alliance) has captured the Kuat Drive Yards, which are famous for building Star Destroyers and other imperial craft. Baron Fel, the Empire's best living pilot, has the command over a little complement of all types of imperial starfighters, but no capital ships, plans to recapture the Drive Yards of Kuat.

Notes: My first