Welcome to the ESC's "JEDI SPECIAL UNITS" - Page.
This Page is
designed for "Jedi Knight" and "Mysteries of the
Sith" Gamers !!!
We all love Star
Wars :-)
"ESC" means
"European Space Crusaders".
The ESC-Clan is a Fighter
Group, which fight through the Games "Jedi Kight",
"Mysteries of the Sith", "X-Wing vs.
TIE-Fighter" and "Klingon Honor Guard".
We will add all
cool Skin Packs, Addons and Levels we can get on this page! :-)
And we will do
our best to modify some cool Addons, Levels, Patches and Skins to
make them still better. But we never create stupid Hacks for
these Games, because Hacks reduce the Gameplay!!!
I will do my
best to keep this Page clean :-))) and UP-TO-DATE !!!
...may the force never be against you!!!
=> Voodoo,
Commander Grzmo and Glzmo
Hmm... you think "Jedi
Knight" and "Mysteries of the Sith" is getting
Or do you think X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and Balance of Power have
lost all their appeal?
Hehe, we got all you need
and much more to make them much more interesting :-)
Check now our cool

Special Link: Mara Jade NAKED!!!
If you haven't
enough yet, you should check these cool Links now:
European Space Crusaders Groundforces
Homepage (Our Clan-Homepage)
JKMAG - Jedi Knight Multiplayer Addon
Group (My favorit Link)
JEDI KNIGHT & Star Wars Gaming By
jediknight.net, Welcome!
e-reality (Jedi Knight, Dark Forces,
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, ...)
Jedi Nights - 100% Pure Jedi Knight, with Style!
The Valley of the Jedi Tower
Wanna play Jedi
Knight in Multiplayer Mode, now?
You can play Jedi Knight or Mysteries of the Sith on
Or click on the
bellow Covers to play these games in the Internet Gaming Zone...
If you've found broken links to
report, or you have any questions about "ESC", please
You are the
visitor on this Page!
Page is created by ESC_Voodoo, ESC_Grzmo and ESC_Glzmo