Welcome to my Guestbook!

braden - 11/05/99 02:24:39
the smile guy is choice

braden - 11/05/99 02:24:00

Becky (a.k.a Boo) - 06/16/99 02:08:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/becky
My Email:reeves_becky@hotmail.com
sex: often
Hey how are ya. I love your page. It's lookin good...

Sethra Lavode - 05/30/99 07:29:01
My URL:/Paris/Cathedral/2680
My Email:sethralavode@hfx.andara.com
sex: female or often lol
Well, I figured seeing as you didn't remember me from the last time I was here I would just have to stop by again and refresh your brain. Hey wait a sec, how do I know you really didn't remember? Mabye the aliens came and altered your memorie or somethi g.......man, I think I've come here once to often.....lol. See ya in the chats. Sethra

mom and dad Loutit - 12/16/98 06:01:02

Cindy Segovia - 12/03/98 20:25:41
My URL:http://http://members.tripod.com/~FantasyLove/index.html
My Email:FantasyLove
Hey you... how have you been.. just coming back and checking you out.... Your friend FantasyLove

ANdY - 11/18/98 00:33:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/neVermind/
My Email:flippx187@aol.com
sex: mail
Kewl site......Keep it up!!

Cindy K. - 11/17/98 08:03:15
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~FantasyLove/index.html
My Email:fantasyloves@yahoo.com
sex: Oh you know that one!
hey buddy! you did a great job. i will be back when i have more time to check out your likns. your buddy Cind K.

Kevin muir - 11/13/98 05:44:12
sex: male
Great Imagination and yes i will kick your ass in StarCraft

Rouquin - 11/06/98 04:39:15
My Email:Rouquin20@hotmail.com
I like it!!!.....It's cool!!!

10/16/98 07:47:05
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

The Queen of the Damned - 09/22/98 02:26:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/7825
My Email:vellnghostman@hotmail.com
sex: Frequently
My Lord, on behalf of Infestation of the Web; I say hello. Come visit us at: www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/3288/main.html

baron_cherubim - 08/24/98 04:11:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/7883
My Email:baron_cherubim@hotmail.com
sex: not yet,but soon!...just joshing!chill
Thanks fer visiting my page. DAMN your page is cool you should change your font and give it more zaz or zing or shabang! And put some quick loading pictures of related topic at the beginning of each sentence. you site is pretty intruiging. usually i never havethe patients to read, but this time i actually did read 3 to 4 paragraphs Well gotta check the rest of your site so TTFN

Becky Reeves (Boo) - 08/20/98 21:02:05
My Email:reeves_becky@hotmail.com
sex: female
Looking pretty good keep up the good work.

Luxwana - 08/11/98 12:30:21
My URL:http://geocities/Area51/Stargate7813/
My Email:freer@qldnet.com.au
sex: female
Your site is quite impressive! I was wondering if you could assist me in getting mine happening. I have accessed my file manager and my site says that it has been updated today but when I went into it as a visitor, nothing had changed and it said I hadn't even moved in yet! I have done lots of changes and tried adding a counter and stuff and some pics from the freebies but nothing! I would really appreciate your help. either email me or contact me on ICQ @ 11962668. Thanking you in advance, Luxwana.

Andromeda - 08/06/98 22:58:48
My Email:jcsubak1@nycap.rr.com
sex: Female
It's pretty cool. I can't wait until you put up the picture you mentioned.

Firesong - 08/06/98 08:23:38
My URL:http://www2.ucsc.edu/~learithe/
My Email:learithe@cats.ucsc.edu
sex: both =)
I'd like to thank you for your comments about my artwork; I am Jennyd from Elfwood, just checking out the URL you sent me. So, where could I find a grey alien to ask? =) -jen

Tanny-faye - 08/01/98 04:03:48
My Email:roltan@hotmail.com
sex: Yes please.
Very cool page you are even more cooked then I thought. You have to talk to me soon. My life has slipped into a normal bliss.........

Jaimila - 07/29/98 10:26:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/8930
My Email:jaimilab@yahoo.com
sex: often
I love the site dearest...very..umm..interesting..yes that's it..interesting. Well keep up the good work and I will see YOU later!! >kiss< >kiss< Love Jai.

Sammi Johnson - 07/29/98 02:29:46
My Email:IM_Sam_IM@yahoo.com
sex: serch for the answer
Hey Dur, Kej and I think this is pretty cool. Nice job.

Luinil - 07/28/98 22:12:51
My Email:you know it
sex: guess same as Jai's
neat! How'd you do that? Looks really cool Dur!

Cindy Segovia - 07/28/98 20:09:01
My Email:betteyboop98@yahoo.com
Hay babe... doing good on your home page! let me know when your done with it ok ! your good friend BettyBoop.

GemAngel - 07/28/98 19:26:35
My Email:pinkpachy@juno.com
sex: Female
Durwynn!!! I'm so proud of you! Good Job

B.F. Skinner - 07/28/98 14:51:37
My Email:classified
sex: unknown
Interesting page! I look forward to debunking your work....

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