Lord Durwynn 's Gallery

Are You Paranoid Enough?

The Paragalleria


This is supposed Area 51 service patch I came across,
and cartoon to go with it! Hope you like it..

Area 51
Military Facility, Social Phenomenon and State of Mind

Area 51, also known as Groom Lake, is a secret military facility about 90 miles north of Las Vegas. The number refers to a 6-by-10-mile block of land, at the center of which is a large air base the government will not discuss. The site was selected in the mid-1950s for testing of the U-2 spyplane, due to its remoteness, proximity to existing facilities and presence of a dry lake bed for landings. Groom Lake is America's traditional testing ground for "black budget" aircraft before they are publicly acknowledged. The facility and surrounding areas are also associated -- with varying levels of credibility -- with UFO and conspiracy stories. In 1989, Bob Lazar claimed on a Las Vegas television station that he had worked with alien spacecraft at Papoose Lake, south of Area 51. Since then, "Area 51" has become a popular symbol for the alleged U.S. Government UFO cover-up. [GC 8/96] Heres the address of the above article, worth checking out... http://www.ufomind.com/area51

Are we alone?

'Drake Equation'
In the early 1960's Frank Drake sought a way to calculate the probability of finding other intelligent races.
He came up with an equation to calculate the possibility of extra terrestrial civilizations;
which became known as the 'Drake Equation'.
Using this equation Mr. Drake determined that there was the possibility of 100,000 to 1,000,000
extra terrestrial civilizations in our Milky Way Galaxy!
Here is the equation:

N = the number of technological civilizations in our galaxy
R* = The rate of formation of suitable stars
F(p) = the fraction of stars having planets.
N(e) = the number of suitable planets per planetary system.
F(l) = the fraction of planets on which life develops
F(i) = the fraction of life that evolves to intelligence beings.
F(c) = the fraction of intelligent species to develop the means of communication.
L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.

Drake and other early extraterrestrial-life enthusiasts, including Carl Sagan, arrived at a value for N between 100,000 and 1,000,000--still only about one technological civilization per million stars in the Milky Way,
which astronomers believe contains some 200 billion stars.

Alein Backgound:

Extra Terrestrial Species: Greys
Aliases: a.k.a. Visitors, a.k.a. Reticulians
Height: 3.5-6 feet
Weight: 65-90 pounds (est.)
Eyes: large tear-shaped, black
Hair: none
Skin: grey, rough
Sex: no visual reproductive organs, cloning suspected for reproduction
Origin: Zeta Reticulan star system in the Orion constellation
Communication: telepathic
Distinguishing Features: Large head which is proportionally much larger relative to its body than the heads of humans
Slit for mouth
Indentations for nose and ears
Hands are webbed with only four fingers
Thin body
The Greys are the extra terrestrial species that are most often reported by people around the world.
Reports from individuals who have been in contact with the Greys vary on their intentions:
some say they are kind beings-here to guide us through our evolution,
while others believe they are cruel invaders intent on ruling the planet.
One thing is certain, most people who have come in contact with Greys
believe that they are actively abducting people on a regular basis.
The Greys are reported to be abducting individuals and extracting eggs or semen to create a grey-human hybrid.
The Greys are the extra terrestrial species that are alleged to have crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947.
As well, some researchers believe the Greys have entered into a contract with the U.S. government
to trade their advanced technology for permission to abduct U.S. citizens.

Alein Legislation?

On July 16,1969, a little known US law was passed called the 'Extra Terrestrial Exposure Law' that made it illegal for the public to come in contact with extra terrestrials or their vehicles (Title 14, Section 1221 of the Code of Federal Regulations).
Anyone found guilty of such contact could be imprisoned for one year and fined $5,000 US.
As well, any individual who has been 'extra terrestrially exposed' could be quarantined
under armed guard by the NASA administrator without a hearing.
The law was removed on April 26, 1991 'since is has served its' purpose and is no longer in keeping with current (NASA) policy)'1.

The law was passed originally to protect the earth from possible biological contamination resulting from the United States
Apollo Space Program and other related space exploration programs.
It has been suggested that the U.S. government was very concerned that contact with extra-terrestrial,
bacteria could result in a worldwide plague.
The immune system of human beings would not be able to combat the extra-terrestrial bacteria;
therefore any 'extra terrestrial exposure' was taken very seriously.

People in the UFO community were alarmed with the Extra Terrestrial Exposure Law.
Due to its broad wording, which could allow the U.S. government to prosecute people in NASA
along with individuals in the general public who come into contact with extra-terrestrials and their vehicles, e.g. abductees.
UFO believers found it interesting that on the one hand the government was denying they had any interest in extra terrestrials
yet they had a law on the books which forbid contact with extra terrestrials and their craft.

Just the facts??? June 8th 1999

The Otomac indians who live along the Orinoco river in Venezuela
hunt for fish with bows and arrows when the water is low but for
two or three months of the year when the water is too high and
rapid they survive on a diet of mud balls. The mud does not contain
any nutrient what we can recognize and yet these indians remain
healthy and strong thru the dirt eating season.
(alexander von humboldt) (geophagy link) 1999

Do you believe in telepathy? no? Then what are you doing when
you pray? (the reverand charles moore, monterey, ca: 1998)

Darwinism Debunked
If the origin of species lies in random mutations over millions
and millions of years then why does the fossil record show sudden
explosions of new species usually following cataclysmic events?
maybe it's not so random. maybe we possess the genetic codes in
dormant form to grow tails or feathers or whatever we need in
response to climactic changes and it is these changes and not
random mutation that drives evolution.
(stephen jay gould) (in a controlled laboratory experiment of simulated climactic changes
susan lindquist of the university of chicago was able to cause
fruit flies to undergo such changes within a few generations.) 1998

Giant Sucking Sound
Imagine a sea-serpent with tentacles so large they could tear out
both goalposts of a football field from the 50-yard line.
none has seen a live giant squid and lived to tell about it
but we have seen the evidence in disgorged stomachs of whales and the
scars left on these whales from the battle of behemoths in the deep.
(richard ellis in the search for the giant squid)

In 1997 we did not even know they existed but they have been
right under our noses all along. they form more than half the
living matter of our oceans and there are millions
of them in our blood. These bacteria are even smaller than viruses
but they are alive and they reproduce on their own.
There is no known lower limit to the size of life.
(ovi kajander, finland: ed weiler, nasa: 1998)

The Human Interface
Write a little program so that when the cursor moves to a
different part of the screen the computer says a different
word or makes a unique sound.
Now wire your brain to the mouse port with a neurotrophic
electrode so that your brain's electrical activity moves the cursor.
At first the motion will be a frenetic mess but soon you will
gain control of the cursor and you will know how to make
the computer make the sound you want
but you won't know how you do that.
(roy bakay, emory university, 1998)

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