Hullo Hullo!
Welcome friends, visters and Big Brothers minions!(you know who you are)
If your here then:
A) You need of as much help as I am.
B)Your one of them checkin up on me
Here you may find many things, not just related to the unknown.
This of course is my main page and will be used for welcoming fine folk such as yourselves.
As well for more recent happinings and news about myself or this my cyber HOME.
I shall be investigating the paranormal and possible cover-ups
and will post my findings here.(if any)
So please feel free to visit the other rooms here in my home.
They load quicker then then this one, someday I hope to have a cable connection.
Then I'll really be sickining!!
Down below I have split the info from here into five
seperate pages. (or rooms, whatever)
THE PARAGALLERIA: Will be used as an archive for my paranormal and Gov.
findings as well as my artwork.
(a cool friend of mine gets credit for the name, Thanks Boo!)
Lord Durwynn's Bio: This room will include a brief info on myself and an Exstensive Bio on the Charicter of Lord Durwynn
for such things as Role Playing Games (which I have yet to get involved in..) or other types of games and chat. (I love to chat!)
Inside The Mind: This is the DEEPEND of the pool, here
I will post storys, theorys and philosphys regarding Time, Space
and even the relationship of the Bible to the possible existance of Aleins.
(bewarned this section may grant due cause for having me committed...) ~this author or any author whose articles to be posted therein will not be responsible for dameging changes in beleif or faith or general attitude towards current social order. remember these are theoretic in nature and have not been proven or otherwise debunked as yet, procede at your own discrection...
The PARTY ROOM :hmm? to date I'm not sure what the meaning is here?
I guess this room is basically just for fun, if you have anything funny that should be posted please drop me a line...
The WALL :Room of links and interesting stuff.
"Happy Birthday to me!!!, whew!, its been awhile."
"So it seems over the past year my real life took over,
ahh but no more!!"
I'm back down to only one job, (temporarily of course) I'm gonna tutor ppl in computer skills.
As well, I'm no longer an executive member of my union local,
as of today (don't worry, it's my own fault)
Okay current business, Don't forget to look at the Paragalleria Archives.
After all, whats in there is exactly what this page was born unto in the first place!!
Also in the news, Big "D" has left the X-Files!!!
End of a wonderful era, and a big mistake!
Moving the show to L.A. that is, it did get better after
the first L.A. season,
But the solid believable background born in Vancouver was never the same.
Hark!!, out the ashes comes a morsel of good news,
Chris Carter back in Van. working on a Lone Gunman spinoff!!
Please god be true!!
If you need up to date news Re: the above, theres a Larry Haglin
Link located on "The Wall"
Think I'll add a Chris Carter Link as well, I may have it by the time you read this..
So anyway I should be very reachable now as I had said, tis good to be back. (on my fast new computer, ha ha)
Peace be with you, but never ignorance...
Lord Durwynn
ACHTUNG: If anyone knows of url's that you think would interest me,
(related to my site)
just sign my guest book and I'll check em' out. Thanks!
Anyone can contact me to chat or whatever at:
or just sign my book with contact message.
If you would like to track me better, page me on ICQ.
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