Scottish Earth Mysteries Research Group provides it's own newsletter "Phenomenal News" edited by Viv Alexander. It gives details of all SEMRG activities, current, and planned events. SEMRG and it's activities and investigations are regularly in the media. You may join SEMRG by subscribing to "Phenomenal News". A subscription costs £6.00 a year or £2.00 a copy. To order write to the following address.

SEMRG 35 Fountain Road Bridge Of Allan, Stirling FK9 4AU

Ron Halliday is the chairman of SEMRG and is widly regaurded as Scotlands top expert on UFO's. He has written on many subjects of the paranormal with articles published in many newspapers and magazines. He has appeared on GMTV, BBC, Channel 4, STV and many radio programmes. He lectures regularly in Scotland and beyond. Ron has also written a few books. They are "UFOs: The Scottish Dimension" and "UFO Scotland".

UFOs The Scottish Dimension

UFOs The Scottish Dimension is the first book to deal exclusively with the subject ufology in Scotland. Incidents through the last few decades are examined with many discussed in detail for the first time. The author also looks at the development of UFO investigation in Scotland and the lessons to be learnt for the future. Cases of all types are described from hovering discs to alien abductions. Scottish UFO incidents are put in context of the world wide nature of this mysterious phenomenon. UFOs The Scottish Dimention is a fitting publication to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the first ever UFO sighting.



For over fifty years, from the Highlands to the Lowlands, and from the Western Isles to Orkney, witnesses have been reporting close encounters with UFOs and alien entities. Many cases have become notorious- the Livingston incident, the Lossiemouth alien, the A70 abduction, the extraodinary events in Bonnybridge and the 'Falkirk Triangle'- but the vast majority of cases have, until now, remained shrouded in secrecy, known only to those who were directly involved. Based on remerkable eyewitness accounts, many of which have never been published before, alongside in-depth analysis of the best-known cases, UFO Scotland is the first comprehensive study of the UFO phenomenon in Scotland. Including accounts of alien abductions, UFO landings, attacks on military aircraft, strange craft in Highland lochs, MoD denials, Police investigations and a multitude of bizarre incidents that simply defy explanation, UFO investigator Ron Halliday's dramatic and disturbing new evidence may well bring us one step closer to solving the enduring enigma of Scotland's UFOs.

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