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These web-pages are
dedicated to all (and I mean ALL) versions of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Featuring: fiction, articles, reviews, artwork, cameo appearance
listing, jokes, cartoons and anything else I can find the time to
fit in (at the moment my Internet access and free-time are
limited (my scanners had an anuerysm,too) so I can't add new
material as quickly as I'd like. Still, slow but sure, eh?).
Update log
Major (i.e. worth looking at)
none as yet, sigh... well
except for the initial setup of course...
Minor (i.e. dull, dull dull)
15/4/99 - added this blurb
to the intro_logo page.
12/4/99 - altered background gif, fiction "Best of..."
added Andromeda image, removed Superboy image added.
Sources and
These pages were designed all on my
tod and prepared using a combination of FrontPage, Netscape and
raw HTML. I wrote the majority of the textual content, drew the
simpler graphics (logos, icons, etc.) and coloured any simple
black and white line drawings.
Most of the images have been scanned from various sources; back issues, convention sketches and fan art from APAs. I want this site to be as original and unique as possible, so I've tried to avoid using images from other sites (unless I've made a mistake, or can't find a suitable image elsewhere). The original source of an image can be identified (and linked to where possible) simply by pointing at it. I'd particularly like to mention fellow APA-247 members: Jules Langley, Darren Chandler and Steve the Duck.
Any mistakes, omissions or trangressions, please let me know and I'll sort it.