Welcome To Curious Experiences Inc.!
Changing the Gravitational Constant of the Universe since 1998

Welcome to Curious Experiences Inc.!

January 2004 marks the Sixth Anniversary of CEi. While I haven't much to say here for that whole time I have been having fun, encountering new people online, sharing and expanding my view of the world, and it all started with that now infamous little snippet of poetry...

What defines a Curious Experience?
Have you ever had a sense of deja vu when you walk into a place for the first time?
Have you ever felt like someone is staring at you when you are all alone?
Have you ever had a daydream and woken up to start living that dream?
Have you ever dared to think about questions that seem to defy all logic?
Played games that serve no purpose?
Asked yourself what would've happened if...?
Have you ever fallen in Love?

It is my opinion is that life is one big Curious Experience.
Life is an ongoing process and each little thing that we do,
that seems so important to us, others look at with a quizzical eye.
And so was born this web site.  This is my life and what is important to me.

Welcome to the far side of Dull Reality.

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