Well met friends old and new. I am Theresa and this is my home. For now it is simply an informational page about me, but I hope to soon add many new features highlighting the things that interest me and may interest you as well.

When I fiirst established this page, I had a good idea of who and what I was.  Rather shortsighted of me not to realize that this would change with time, experience and education. For example:

I used to believe that my interests in both spirituality and science was a dichotomy. Now I realize that it is simply the result of a seeking mind and a seeking heart, that the two are not mutually exclusive and one feeds the other ad infinitum.! 

I also used to call myself a practicing Celtic Wiccan. Although still  pagan, I am in the midst of redefining what that means for me. When I built this page, I was new to Wicca, new to Paganism, new to being free enough to explore my sprituality without restriction. I now know truth to be mutable and growth unavoidale. What i am now is not what I will be a year from now. And there are deeper truths to discover is one has the courage to look.

One thing that I am finding is that what I initially learned was only a scratch on the surface. In order to look more deeply, one must not become too attached to that surface. This is my present endeavor.

I have also recently discovered that having a social life is a good thing. To that end I joined a bbw group. I guess it isn't surprising that I ended up owning one and moderating another! Those links are on my profile page but I will include them here as well. (Well the groups have grown and are bangin! Click on one of th elinks for more info there and join us for a blast!)

To all of you who have signed my guest book, thank you so much! I will be getting back to those I have not already.

I will be including on this page links to all the inIcluded here, as well as some others purely because I love them.  If you have suggestions, comments or information pertaining to the Pagan Way, scientific development, or artistic endeavors, please feel free to share them with me and allow me to share them with the world.

Blessed Be!