Stories From Other Universes

E-mail me, Christina!


Wow, an update! And a new universe!!

Dark Answers, Darker QuestionsA Lord of the Rings story.

Thain Paladin and the families of the 4 missing Hobbits are left with only Questions.

The VisionA Seer is summoned to give a reading to a King. Originally written for the Hennuth Annun Ides of March challenge.

Star Wars Stories

My Star Wars series is evolving as I write this. Mirage of Justice worked it's way in as is another post TPM story (a Building of Empires prequel). You will notice that the series was started before the spoilers for episode II started leaking out--and will be ignoring New Jedi Order for other reasons.
There are, as of Feb. 17, 3 more stories in th is series. One is two years in Luke's life on Tatooine, one is a Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan adventure, and the last is a post Vision of the Future story.

Tatooine Chronicles
The Adventures of Luke Skywalker

This is a set of vignettes based upon my first ever conceived piece of fanfiction that has been lingering in my mind and notebooks for 20 years. I'd wondered what Luke's childhood was like, why he hated the Empire, and what was Tatooine like. Episode 1: Phantom Menace confirmed most of my opinions of Tatooine, and inspired to go back to my notes. But instead of doing it as a single long story, I'm going to write vignettes, all related to each other.

A New Threat
A Sith Lord visits the Emperor. Just who is supreme? Parody (June 1999)

Babylon 5 stories

Due South Stories

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