Ok, so you got in here and Want to know about me huh?
I ran for class President and lost, but that dosn't matter. I'm still the people's president, the only difference is I don't have any power or responsibilities. Thats coo. Responsibilities aren't coo.
My first year at RIT was great. I met some really awesome people. I'd like to give them a shout out now.
Amanda & Stacy, I love you both (Platonicly of course), you girls will be my friends forever! ^.^
Tom, Your the best game master I know, and you've renewed my excitement for role playing! And best of all, you have a Goatee. GO BEARDS! w00t!
Corrie, You're a better redneck than I am, Good luck with Trina!
Al & Jay, I cant wait to play Champions with you guys next year!
Dan, Good luck flippin' burgers!
Marissa, I'm going to miss you alot /= Good luck in whatever you do
Jon & Steph, Nobody makes me feel welcome like you guys. I'm glad we're going to be roommates next year!
Alicia, You're so religious your dating Jesus!!! =P haha seeya next year!
And to anyone else, You all made RIT a unique and exciting experiance, I cant wait to be back.
This is a photo of me, my dad, and 2 aliens from my favorite sci-fi tv show of all time, duah, STAR TREK!
Current Trademark: Currrrsesss!
Anything I should Add? E-mail me at drmoroe@yahoo.com (=
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