So you wanna know about ME huh?

(or perhaps you accidentlly wandered in here and wanna get out)

Ok, so you got in here and Want to know about me huh?

That's cool. But where should I start? =P
AGE: 19, Done with my first year of college (BOOYAH!)
Sex: Male, but flexible. ( hehehehe..just kidding *shifty eyes* )
Status: A renewed faith has renewed my spirit as well.
Hobbies: Computers, Games, this thingamjig.. kidnapping my friends =P
Other: I live in the USA, Pennsylvaina to be exact, My Real name is Phillip. People call me Dr.Moroe because it was a middle school nickname. =P Don't ask! I'm a regularly good kid and a Card-Carrying Gentleman. My birthday is March 27th. I've worked in Bushkill Park and at Long John Silvers--Dealing with people for a living SUCKS. ALOT.

I ran for class President and lost, but that dosn't matter. I'm still the people's president, the only difference is I don't have any power or responsibilities. Thats coo. Responsibilities aren't coo.

My first year at RIT was great. I met some really awesome people. I'd like to give them a shout out now.
Amanda & Stacy, I love you both (Platonicly of course), you girls will be my friends forever! ^.^
Tom, Your the best game master I know, and you've renewed my excitement for role playing! And best of all, you have a Goatee. GO BEARDS! w00t!
Corrie, You're a better redneck than I am, Good luck with Trina!
Al & Jay, I cant wait to play Champions with you guys next year!
Dan, Good luck flippin' burgers!
Marissa, I'm going to miss you alot /= Good luck in whatever you do
Jon & Steph, Nobody makes me feel welcome like you guys. I'm glad we're going to be roommates next year!
Alicia, You're so religious your dating Jesus!!! =P haha seeya next year!
And to anyone else, You all made RIT a unique and exciting experiance, I cant wait to be back.

This is a photo of me, my dad, and 2 aliens from my favorite sci-fi tv show of all time, duah, STAR TREK!

Current Trademark: Currrrsesss!

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