Legend & Lore of Dawn

Legend & Lore of Dawn

An OOC Chat

People say that there is a bit of a writer in all of us and that everyone has a story to tell. Well my own story is a tad on boring side, so I prefer to tell Antryg's stories and adventures instead. Well like most little kids I created my own little worlds to play in; worlds of knights, dragons, wizards and of course our evil villians. When most of us got older those worlds disappeared except when I grew older, instead of those worlds disappearing, they grew with me. Well I had finally decided to put some of the adventures that played out in my head during my boring high school classes to paper. Over a period of, god, seven years I tried to put everything in my head to paper and I am still far from finished. What finally made me start putting things down was I had begun to run a AD&D game and with the help of the players, drew up the world and created everything within it. The characters of those original players are still in my stories and very much affect Antryg in some way. Now I think I shall cut my rambling short and let you continue on with the stories. Please read on and enjoy. For those who wish to contact me just click on my name below

Welcome one and all

Welcome to Antryg's home.
The world of Dawn is one of great beauty, fragile hope, and shattered dreams. In Dawn it is the beginning of a new age. The only question is will be of light or of darkness. In the world of Dawn, the light in the land has begun to fade and darkness runs rampent. It is only through the perseverance of Antryg, his sister and his friends that the light of his world has not been extingished by darkness. What lies with in these pages are stories, histories and information, all of which have been gathered to give others a broader understanding of Antryg's home. For those of you who know him, I hope you find this entertaining.

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Daniel Jones
Revised: 12/31/2001