I found this article in the September, 1987 issue of The Braille Monitor, published by the National Federation of the Blind. You can view the entire issue by going to http://www.nfb.org/bm/bm87/brlm8709.htm. WHY NOT BRAILLE by Mrs. Ann Hollowell (This article appeared in the Spring, 1987, Newsletter of the National Association to Promote the Use of Braille (NAPUB). Mrs. Hollowell, who lives in Portsmouth, Virginia, is the parent of a blind child.) Having a visually handicapped child who is in the category of not totally sightless but legally blind can, as some may know, be very difficult. My son at age five was diagnosed as having macular degeneration, a disease that can leave only peripheral vision. In the past three years we have spoken with many doctors and professionals in the "vision field." Doctors, of course, offer very little if any hope for the future, while many of the professionals cannot agree on teaching skills or learning aids. Our first professional, an employee of the Virginia Department for the Visually Handicapped, only stressed and assisted with large print books, talking books, and magnifying aids. She was very adamant that a person should always use any remaining eyesight. To do otherwise would, in her words, "make him handicapped." When I suggested Braille as a tool for learning and as a means of relieving severe eye strain, she became very upset and firmly stated that Braille skills would never help him. Seeing my son struggle for two years in private school, always at the bottom of the class, was enough to make me realize that special education was needed. After contacting our public school and visiting the vision class, I knew more could be done. Again, the professionals felt that no special placement was needed. I recommended a regular classroom setting with visiting teachers. After much discussion I requested that my son be placed with the vision program in a school outside our immediate school zone. During his first year in the new setting (a public school) Braille was introduced at my request and with the agreement of his teachers to see if he would want to learn it. His response was extremely positive, and his teachers agreed that Braille should become a part of his regular education program. This year has been wonderful. His self-esteem has improved. With Braille he feels he has a special talent, not a handicap. As a parent I see only positive points with his knowing Braille--a future job, ease and speed in reading, medically less strain, and therefore less medication for inflamed eyes. I feel that no "professional" should be allowed to make all of the decisions about a child's future learning program. I know my child, and I want to be part of his education planning program. I have become involved and have learned much in a short time. By giving my child this added gift and skill, I feel that his future looks bright for the first time in many months. He will have a choice in the planning of his future with this added skill. I say, why not Braille?