June 13, 2002
We've come a long way together...READ BELOW
I have been procrastinating this for months, but it is over. It
has been over for a while, both officially and
un-officially...and now it is time to say good-bye. This
retirement also means that I'm not going to make banners or
awards anymore. I am not going to update anymore, except to maybe
post a link to my NEW sites that I'm planning to create for CSI
and Alias. Plus, I'll put updated contact information on here for
those of you who miss me! ;) This is so sad, but I've been
preparing for it for a while. Anyway, if you feel the need to
talk the obsessive Victoria, you can email me at Scully6363@hotmail.com or Alias24_07@hotmail.com, IM me through MSN at the
Scully6363 email addy, ICQ 106423819, Yahoo! Messenger
psychic_satori or alias24_07, AOLIM
Scully6363------------------Good luck to everybody! I'm going to
be starting my senior year of High School, then next year I will
be heading off to college to study forensic sciences, so wish me
luck in that, please. And if you ever need anything [including
banners or backgrounds, or assistance getting out of traffic
tickets, lol, j/k] just lemme know. :)
The Truth Is
Out There!
it seems as though it is December 1st and I need to deck my
virtual halls on here. I haven't started yet, but I'm shopping
for Christmas decorations as we speak. Anyway, I just wanted to
let everyone know that and also tell you that despite the fact
that people suck and only 1 person filled out the poll, I'm going
to march forward and attempt to write reviews and record sounds
for this the 9th and worst season. I already wrote the review for
Nothing Important Happened Today--boy did they hit the nail on
the head--but have yet to type it up. Anyway, there's a hockey
game on tonight, so maybe I can multitask during commercials.
*Not Updated 12/1*
did quite a bit of reviewing. I hope this is satisfactory to
everyone. I have also made some headway in the Pictures
restoration. Anyway, I have reviews for Unruhe and Three Words. I also finally posted my New Viewers part of the Episode Review section. And I
have a poll up to help me decide if I'm going to bother doing
season 9 stuff even though this season sucks. I did add Season 9
buttons to the episode review page, but I've yet to decide if I
will record sounds. *Updated 11/23*

status symbol, eh?

The X-Files and all things related to The X-Files belong to Chris
"The Great One" Carter, 1013 Productions, and Fox. If
you don't do everything they say, they will hunt you down, like
wolves, and break your neck. Afterwards, they will use you for
"Purity" tests with the black oil. Then, Chris will
sick the Tulpa on you for not following the rest of the little
zombies. After he's done with you, the Fox executives will throw
you into the basement and you will be gnawed on by the Millennium
zombie guys. When they're done with you, you'll be thrown into
the ventalation system so Tooms can rip out your liver and have a
snack. Once he's done munching, you'll float off into the sewer
system where Flukie will inject his little worms into you. Just
when you think it can't get any worse, they recover your sewage
smelling body and have a funeral for you. Okay, that's not too
bad, until you find out that Donnie Pfaster is working at the
funeral home and decides to do some not so great things to your
already deceased corpse. Does that sound pleasant? Does that
sound like an experience you want to have?! I didn't think so.

The X-Files and Millennium Banner Exchange
This site is
maintained by Victoria. The X-Files
belongs to Chris Carter, although at this point, I'm thinking
that the 'Shippers have taken over Surfer Boy's body. I guess he
gave them one too many ideas when he made "Badlaa" with
that Indian guy crawling inside people. Well, anyway, the show
belongs to someone or something, unidentifiable at this point,
but it's not me. You know, keep that in mind, since I know that
you just thought I made this whole idea up.