-  MY DAD  -

My sweet, show-up guy,

Forever in my corner,

Forever in my heart;



We Love You,

Susan and Christine

  We'd like to thank you for all your well wishes and your thoughts for our father.

He cherished his time debating and discussing all the various subjects with all of you.

We enjoyed hearing him "recount" all of his online activity... it brought him great pleasure and happiness (Would we lie?). We thank all of you for that.


Doc's "little guys"
Christine and Susan

Doc Barry and I were friends for 33 years, and neighbors for the past seven; Wednesday, January 13th he was admitted to the hospital with congestive heart failure... he didn't survive.

I'll miss him a great deal, but I won't grieve anymore; not in the accepted sense of the word, I did that yesterday; from now on, I'll celebrate his life--

I'll celebrate his life daily with remembrances of our daily laughter, and with the line: "It's great to be alive in Phoenix, Arizona" which was followed up immediately with George Burns' line: "At my age it's great to be alive ANYWHERE!"

I'll celebrate his life daily with the solace I'll find in the additional laughter evoked by the many, many memories we created and shared...

But most of all, I'll celebrate his life daily with the memory of the man; a warm, sensitive human being whose kindness and generosity knew no bounds... I'll remember Doc Barry as a man who defined the word "FRIEND"... I'll miss him!

Bud Kolb
In Celebration Of My Friend's Life
Doc Barry
August 18, 1927   -   January 13, 1999

For any of you who may wish to continue Doc's website, I have renamed it http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/5518/0index.html so it can be easily downloaded or transloaded intact...

For those of you who enjoyed the music he used on his website, I suggest that you visit:

The Doc Barry Memorial Midi Library

Anyone wishing to express condolences can reach me at MysteryMaven@webtv.net and I will pass them on to the family.