Say Happy Birthday!! The Ultimate IA Page is 3 Years old and is still going strong. The Hall of the Oosha is pretty much complete but I will still update it. I really need someone's help by making graphics for my page. Please email me at
I can answer anything you ask ^_^ or if there are any comments or problems about my webpage.
Welcome To The Ultimate Invasion America Page!
August 19, 2000
Hi! Glad You Found my Page. I Just Started out on This "IA" Page on August 7 1997, It may not be as Good as my Other WebPage, "SailorMoon's Ultimate Destiny Page"Click here To Visit It. I would suggest that you open this link in another window. This page is Updated EVERYDAY(Well Almost),so Bookmark It. Anyways Have Fun and Take A Look Around!!
What Happened To IA? Where's the other EPISODES?
The Yosh IA Ring -- The Ring created by me GONE Sorry!! I'll try to reclaim it.
The Great Hall of the Oosha's(Complete!!) -- Information On the Characters, the Story, Episodes.
Book Reviews -- Information On the Books of IA.
Crew Lockers -- Some banners from Other Pages, who need help Advertising their Page.
Com-Orb -- Some Neat Facts seen in Invasion America
The Golden Locket -- Other Invasion America Pages
Metamorphs -- Look A Likes of the IA Characters.
The Royal Guard -- Your questions constantly asked about to The Ooshala and her advisors(I'm still Collecting all the questions still)
Maple Island -- News
DC's Photo Album -- Pictures from IA
The Ooshati -- Some Sites that need your help to Save IA, and Webrings.
Talent Voices -- The People Who Did the Voices of our beloved IA characters
The Ooshala -- Notes from me the owner of this page.
About Me -- About me the Creator of the Page
The Exotar Glove Awards -- Win awards for your IA Page
In case you don't know what email bombed is, it means endless emails telling you to remove my graphics off your page. Or you might get something personally soon if you break my rule >:D and I mean it. But if you really want to borrow an image just ask me kay, sorry if I scared some of you guys by the last sentence:)
Please come back soon and visit The Ultimate Invasion America Page Again!