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The Cosmic Companions

The Cosmic Companions Fan Organization

Welcome to the Cosmic Companions web site.

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Our site has a new look! Also, we are adding a section to highlight fan fiction. Just look in our new fan fic page.

Also, join our discussion list on yahoo groups!

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My name is Sherry and I am the founder an President of the TCCFO and Editor of our club, and the club fanzine. We are a club that was formed long ago back in the Summer of 1986 to help bring together fans of most Sci/Fi, Fantasy and horror and in most of its wondrous forms. ...Such as.... TV Series, made for TV movies. As well as all forms of animation {old & new}, Feature Films. Comics, Magazines, Novels, Graphic Novels, Short Stories, Poetry, Old Radio Shows, Screen-Stage or audio Plays and or scripts, Role Playing Games, Filk. etc...... And of course the all Sci-fi available on the WWW. You name it, it counts. What's your pleasure, Domestic or international.

The Companion Org. is ran by fans for fans, no matter how small or great their individual interest might be. Our club fanzine The Cosmodian Companion is currently on a irregular schedule. We will for this web page TRy to post a monthly TCC news update. We would be grateful for any & all submissions and or ideas you would like to send us, they will be welcomed. We have yearly memberships in the Companions and we provide our fanzine to non members for a small fee per issue.

The TCCFO puts no limits on your imagination. It tries to fit itself to your special needs & cares about you the fan and the individual person. We have an open-minded Newsletter where you can share your thoughts & talents and are heartily invited to do so at anytime. And to be part of an Elite group of fans who likewise enjoy an open-minded fandom organization. General Fandom in all it's medias, with no artificial substitutes added just pure and natural fandom the way it should be.

As for right now, we need some time to construct and build up the TCCFO site. We ask that you be patient with us during this period. We thank you for checking us out, and please come again.

- Sherry

- Come travel the universe with a friend .... We look forward to sharing the fandom zone with you soon .... ..We would like to hear from you!..

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YES! we are adding even more links from our page to more fun & cool places else where on the ever expanding internet highway. Hey! that's just one of the many things we do & want to do for all our Cosmic Companions... If there's a link you thing other companions would find interesting just e-mail it to me, I'll check it out and see if your right. You want more info on us? You have ideas you want to share? Want to know how to submit stories, poetry, artwork, articles ect.. to the TCCFO? You have questions? Or you just want to talk to one of us? Easy, just click on the following E-mail links below. We want to hear from you!..

Please sent all your ideas, comments or questions to:
Sherry Holtry


Jason Edwards

To reach us by snail mail write to,
S. L. Holtry / TCCFO Pres.
5100 Walnut Ave. #234,
Sacramento, Ca. 95841

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Site designed by Jason Edwards, copyright 2001 TCCFO.