The Metal Gods Update
by Jay Neale III
by EEK! Text & Graphics
Welcome to our Fifth Digital
Web Edition!
You can find the back issues of this fine
publication by using the links on this page, so if you are new to the Metal
Gods Chronicle or the StoryTeller System in general, please feel free to
browse at your leisure.
What's Goin' On?
Circumstances have conspired to keep us
from progressing this story in the past 2 months. First, there
was the infamous monitor crash of January, 1999. Then the workload
increased and Jay has been far too busy meeting other deadlines to keep
up with important stuff like gaming. Never fear -- we're back!
Robert Taylor has contributed some fiction.
Please check out his fine work at the John and Amber Hub.
And that's really about it.
Everybody got their head right with ball? Proceed.
Click on the stuff you want to read
MGU Back Issues

There follows a list of the sorts of things
that hold our StoryTeller's attention. You may want to check some
of these out as well.
Urban Legends.
I am recomending this simply because the idea is interesting. Slasher
movies are a dime-a-dozen, but the notion of someone using the theme of
Urban Legends to go on a killing spree is great if you're trying to come
up with a new plot for your game.
Strange Days.
Highly recomended for it's use of technology based illusions and intoxication.
And Angela Basset is a babe.
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