I have finally given in to my children's nagging and decided to post these stories. They were written a number of years ago when my children were younger. They enjoyed them, and I hope that you will, too.

          These stories are not neccessarily suitable for very young children, as they present a mix of science fiction, fantasy, and a unique view of stuffed and real animals.

          The first set of stories is actually a series about a little bear and a new-found friend, however each story can be read on it's own.

          I have also included the first few chapters of a book. This is a story told by a cat who goes through a seemingly normal doorway and finds a number of new and different friends, and a very unique adventure. I will be adding more chapters as they are ready.

          All the stories contained in this websight are the original creation of myself, and I retain the full copyright of their use. Any resemblence to persons either living or dead is entirely coincidental. Please feel free to view them here at your pleasure and print them for your personal private use. You may link these pages to any other page on the Internet. Not reproductions (either electronic, printed, or other form) for public or commercial reading or use may be made without my written consent.

          Please feel free to e-mail me with your opinions, comments, or suggestions as I would be interested in feedback, particularly if you want to see more of the chapters of the book.

          Now for the Stories:

The Alien Toy Story 1 Story 1 Story 1
Four Legged and Furry Story 2 Story 2 Story 2
Return of Lost Property Story 3 Story 3 Story 3
Repairs and Resignation Story 4 Story 4 Story 4
Sleight of Hand Story 5 Story 5 Story 5
Santa's Helpers Story 6 Story 6 Story 6

Book One - The Adventures of Priss
Web Page Text Document

Dedicated to my children, without whom these would not have been written.
Special Thanks to Tank, who taught me how to program this.