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Wha's tha?H~=(Times New Roman(I'm only gonna cover 2 problems on the test... the others were pretty easy... just make sure you look at the information Kuder gives you and know the snell's law only works for angles taken from the NORMAL.h2 *sTimes New Roman(5. Two lenses, f1=15 cm and f2=30 cm are separated by 40 cm. An object is located 25 cm from lens #1. Where is the Times New Roman(erect real!Times New Roman( image formed by the combination?t> +%eTimes New Roman(Ok... for this to work, we gotta break it into two separate problems. Let's use the first lens first.p 7 Times New Roman(f=15, p=25C7 Times New Roman(1/f=1/p+1/q{7Times New Roman(q=37.5$G'Times New Roman(The q for the first lens is 37.5 cm. Now we use that to get p for the second lens. X, being 40 is the q of the first lens plus the p for the second lens... so... using the second lens now.\ +7 Times New Roman(f=30, p=2.5cC7 Times New Roman(1/f=1/p+1/qu7Times New Roman(q=-2.728&4Times New Roman(Uh-oh... q is negative. That means the image is now Times New Roman(virtualTimes New Roman(. This problem is screwed, so the answer is that there is no answer. Had q turned out to be positive, q would have been the answer.hb*Times New Roman(4H (and may God have mercy on your soul.) Angela has a 3 meter deep pool (n=1.3). She has a laser on the bottom of the pool 5 meters from the north side of the pool. At what angle to the bottom of the pool must she shoot the laser to hit a wall 2 meters from the edge and 4 meters up?  +7Times New Roman(5'7Times New Roman(3$7Times New Roman(2+z!7Times New Roman(4'7Times New Roman(xd %)7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(1 ")7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(2&*7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(answerkTimes New Roman(I don't have enough room to explain this so I'll get to the point. x is an unknown I created so we can write 2 more equations involving triangles. here are all the equations.tD )7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(2 '7Times New Roman(1.3sinOTimes New Roman(1Times New Roman(=sinOTimes New Roman(2$'Times New Roman(tan OTimes New Roman(1Times New Roman(=(5-x)/3 tan OTimes New Roman(2Times New Roman(=(2+x)/4:*E7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(1Times New Roman(= tanTimes New Roman(-1 Times New Roman(((5-x)/3) OTimes New Roman(2Times New Roman(=tanTimes New Roman(-1 Times New Roman(((2+x)/4) 2-7 Times New Roman(1.3sin(tanTimes New Roman(-1Times New Roman(((5-x)/3))=sin(tanTimes New Roman(-1 Times New Roman(((2+x)/4)).7ATimes New Roman(somehow, through the magic of a crazy calculator trick, I got.... 0. 7 Times New Roman(x=2.801 OTimes New Roman(1 Times New Roman(=36.24 OTimes New Roman(2Times New Roman(=50.2Y2 7Times New Roman(90-OTimes New Roman(1 Times New Roman(for the answer3 7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(answerTimes New Roman(= 53.76 degreeshA6.7ATimes New Roman(remember... I don't write them... I just try and figure them out.#xxxx.1A>q|[000000Zc Ar 0^'0j>q&v@qn&0x0] 3EO 7xBh0 %QAx6 x.^7 xv?}b6n 7(D9n B}70E4C'C'C'C'F'F'F'F'))))))))VC'VC'VC'VC'WF'WF'WF'WF'&&&&&&&&))))/\+/\+/$/$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $\+\+ $ $ $ $ ( ($$ $ $$$\+\+ $ $/$/$\+\+/\+/\+$$ $ $/$/$$$ $ $ $ $    7%7%/$/$P%P%%%%%7%7%&&%%%%&& m#, l#R j#t i# $& & & %& $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $**D*o* $ $P%P%h(m( q(Er(!r("s(3"s(`"r(***A* $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $R!*x!*!*!*%!)%)&)C&)%'%'&'H&' $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $gA1G1I1F1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $vK1G1F1I1333&3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $?Layer 1O  CDocumentPage Page 1Scene 1Ca<ja< CMediaBitsMedia 1Bitmap 1p <2Media 2Bitmap 2p<2-@8hhhhh Vector::Template"PublishFormatProperties::generator CColorDef3PfP0PHP`Px333(3f<03CH3F`3Hxf0f30ff(0f5Hf<`f@x3330333xf3d03]H3Z`3Xx3333303f3PPH33Px`33Px33Pf30f33PHff3(PHf3<x`f3Cxf3Ffff`f03f0ffx0fkHfd`f`x3f033fPH3ffxPH3fdx`3f]x3fZff0f3fPHfff`ffP0xffPxffPH3HfHxH̙n`hx3Media 2 CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText/ XTimes New Roman(A Test? Wha's tha?H~=(Times New Roman(I'm only gonna cover 2 problems on the test... the others were pretty easy... just make sure you look at the information Kuder gives you and know the snell's law only works for angles taken from the NORMAL.h2 *sTimes New Roman(5. Two lenses, f1=15 cm and f2=30 cm are separated by 40 cm. An object is located 25 cm from lens #1. Where is the Times New Roman(erect real!Times New Roman( image formed by the combination?t> +%eTimes New Roman(Ok... for this to work, we gotta break it into two separate problems. Let's use the first lens first.p 7 Times New Roman(f=15, p=25C7 Times New Roman(1/f=1/p+1/q{7Times New Roman(q=37.5$G'Times New Roman(The q for the first lens is 37.5 cm. Now we use that to get p for the second lens. X, being 40 is the q of the first lens plus the p for the second lens... so... using the second lens now.\ +7 Times New Roman(f=30, p=2.5cC7 Times New Roman(1/f=1/p+1/qu7Times New Roman(q=-2.728&4Times New Roman(Uh-oh... q is negative. That means the image is now Times New Roman(virtualTimes New Roman(. This problem is screwed, so the answer is that there is no answer. Had q turned out to be positive, q would have been the answer.hb*Times New Roman(4H (and may God have mercy on your soul.) Angela has a 3 meter deep pool (n=1.3). She has a laser on the bottom of the pool 5 meters from the north side of the pool. At what angle to the bottom of the pool must she shoot the laser to hit a wall 2 meters from the edge and 4 meters up?  +7Times New Roman(5'7Times New Roman(3$7Times New Roman(2+z!7Times New Roman(4'7Times New Roman(xd %)7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(1 ")7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(2&*7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(answerkTimes New Roman(I don't have enough room to explain this so I'll get to the point. x is an unknown I created so we can write 2 more equations involving triangles. here are all the equations.tD )7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(2 '7Times New Roman(1.3sinOTimes New Roman(1Times New Roman(=sinOTimes New Roman(2$'Times New Roman(tan OTimes New Roman(1Times New Roman(=(5-x)/3 tan OTimes New Roman(2Times New Roman(=(2+x)/3:*E7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(1Times New Roman(= tanTimes New Roman(-1 Times New Roman(((5-x)/3) OTimes New Roman(2Times New Roman(=tanTimes New Roman(-1 Times New Roman(((2+x)/4) 2-7 Times New Roman(1.3sin(tanTimes New Roman(-1Times New Roman(((5-x)/3))=sin(tanTimes New Roman(-1 Times New Roman(((2+x)/4)).7ATimes New Roman(somehow, through the magic of a crazy calculator trick, I got.... 0. 7 Times New Roman(x=2.801 OTimes New Roman(1 Times New Roman(=36.24 OTimes New Roman(2Times New Roman(=50.2Y2 7Times New Roman(90-OTimes New Roman(1 Times New Roman(for the answer3 7Times New Roman(OTimes New Roman(answerTimes New Roman(= 53.76 degreeshA6.7ATimes New Roman(remember... I don't write them... I just try and figure them out.#xxxx.1A>q|[000000Zc Ar 0^'0j>q&v@qn&0x0] 3EO 7xBh0 %QAx6 x.^7 xv?}b6n 7(D9n B}70E4C'C'C'C'F'F'F'F'))))))))VC'VC'VC'VC'WF'WF'WF'WF'&&&&&&&&))))/\+/\+/$/$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $\+\+ $ $ $ $ ( ($$ $ $$$\+\+ $ $/$/$\+\+/\+/\+$$ $ $/$/$$$ $ $ $ $    7%7%/$/$P%P%%%%%7%7%&&%%%%&& m#, l#R j#t i# $& & & %& $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $**D*o* $ $P%P%h(m( q(Er(!r("s(3"s(`"r(***A* $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $R!*x!*!*!*%!)%)&)C&)%'%'&'H&' $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $gA1G1I1F1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $vK1G1F1I1333&3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $?Layer 1O  CDocumentPage Page 1Scene 1Ca<Ea< CMediaBitsMedia 1Bitmap 1p <2Media 2Bitmap 2p<2-@8hhhhh Vector::Template"PublishFormatProperties::generator CColorDef3PfP0PHP`Px333(3f<03CH3F`3Hxf0f30ff(0f5Hf<`f@x3330333xf3d03]H3Z`3Xx3333303f3PPH33Px`33Px33Pf30f33PHff3(PHf3<x`f3Cxf3Ffff`f03f0ffx0fkHfd`f`x3f033fPH3ffxPH3fdx`3f]x3fZff0f3fPHfff`ffP0xffPxffPH3HfHxH̙n`hx3H33x`3fx`3xx`3̙kx3dfHf3x`ff0xfx0xf̙dxf]`3`f``x`px3`33x3fx3x3xx3nf`f3xffxfxfxxfkx3xfxxxxx3x333f333xfxf3fffffxxH3 HfH(H2`8x`3 `f`̙`(`0xx3xfxx x(xPx3H33x`f3x`3(x`35x3<3`33xf3 x̙3x3(x323x33f3 333(xfH3fx`ff0xf(0xf<xfCf`3fxffx̙fxf(xf5fx3ffff ff((xH3x`f0x̙PPP`3xfx̙P̙(P<x3f̙(xx`3xfxPxPd`3xfx̙PPx3f(xx3fxx3f̙xx3ff`zf*]hH33x`3fx`3xx`3̙kx3dfHf3x`ff0xfx0xf̙dxf]`3`f``x`px3`33x3fx3x3xx3nf`f3xffxfxfxxfkx3xfxxxxx3x333f333xfxf3fffffxxH3 HfH(H2`8x`3 `f`̙`(`0xx3xfxx x(xPx3H33x`f3x`3(x`35x3<3`33xf3 x̙3x3(x323x33f3 333(xfH3fx`ff0xf(0xf<xfCf`3fxffx̙fxf(xf5fx3ffff ff((xH3x`f0x̙PPP`3xfx̙P̙(P<x3f̙(xx`3xfxPxPd`3xfx̙PPx3f(xx3fxx3f̙xx3ff`zf*]h