ࡱ> Root EntryRoot Entryp|YrRASHContentsPage 1% CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText*Times New Roman(Let's blow some crud up with electricity! 9 @Times New Roman(I hear a lot is riding on this test... let's kick some ass then. Times New Roman(I=q/t> ( Times New Roman(V=IR  Times New Roman(V=E-IRB Times New Roman(V=E+IR&& Times New Roman(R=pL/ATimes New Roman(currentTimes New Roman(chargeTimes New Roman(timec Times New Roman(voltage oTimes New Roman(current Times New Roman(resistanceFTimes New Roman(Terminal VoltageTimes New Roman(emfTimes New Roman(current Times New Roman(resistance<  Times New Roman(discharging>!?Times New Roman(charging% Times New Roman(resistance%i Times New Roman(resistivity(Times New Roman(lengthb)B:Times New Roman(area of cross section@i&FTimes New Roman(Let's talk about just that last equation. We are always dealing with just circular wiring, so the A in that equation can be replaced with Times New Roman((pi)rTimes New Roman(2. STimes New Roman(Ratios: &*BTimes New Roman(According to Chad, ratios are like sex. I have no idea why, but hey... it's Chad. Let's do number 1 on the practice test to show you what the hell they are.v(BTimes New Roman(1. How would the resistance change if a given pieve of wire were replaced with one three times as long, but only half as thick?l& Times New Roman(R=pL/A CPicShape  Times New Roman(R=pL/ rTimes New Roman(2$S",'Y5Z$  Times New Roman(R=pL/ rTimes New Roman(2xS+f(ZR$ Times New Roman(R'=p3L/ (.5r)Times New Roman(2p$+Y5Z$  Times New Roman(R pL/ rTimes New Roman(2(|4*Y5Z$ Times New Roman(R' p3L/ (.5r)Times New Roman(2>-ZRT Times New Roman(= | %Times New Roman(Notice that you have to square .5 too ! Times New Roman(R/R'=1/(3/(1/4))$Times New Roman(R'=12RIFTimes New Roman(So... the resistance will now be twelve times the original resistance. ^ Times New Roman(Voltage stuff (Problems 2 and 3)!BTimes New Roman(2. What is the potential difference between points A and B? Which is at higher potential? 3. If the potential difference A to B is -5 volts. What is the current I?$ Times New Roman(A' Times New Roman(BB%!| Times New Roman(5! Times New Roman(12Vm!| Times New Roman(33!) Times New Roman(6V! | Times New Roman(1$2 W4*RC%K* <)@#,#@"I $H W4*RC%K* <)@#,#@"I $r  W4*RC%K* <)@#,#@"I ()sH0>0:00 0r03r30\3v00hX00\0,*03r0|N000 03xN0"W1T####T1T#&&"D)<f*+++g<f++*+g-# Times New Roman(Going from A to B...$ Times New Roman(2.V=-5(2.4)+12-3(2.4)-6-1(2.4)$.Times New Roman(V=-15.6& # _Times New Roman(so... a 15.6 volt difference between the points. The negative sign means that point A is higher ' Times New Roman(3. -5=-5I+12-3I-6-1I'qTimes New Roman(I=11/9 Ao9" Times New Roman(2.4, I]*" Times New Roman(More room for crap... MB0V3t3\3`3*0+0a3~00030yU3xtb3$&0K063,^3LF 3.\3ZfT3836L 3%90XHX 0P 340?Layer 1O  CDocumentPage Page 1Scene 1 l!y!-@8hhhhh  CColorDef3PfP0PHP`Px333(3f<03CH3F`3Hxf0f30ff(0f5Hf<`f@x3330333xf3d03]H3Z`3Xx3333303f3PPH33Px`33Px33Pf30f33PHff3(PHf3<x`f3Cxf3Ffff`f03f0ffx0fkHfd`f`x3f033fPH3ffxPH3fdx`3f]x3fZff0f3fPHfff`ffP0xffPxffPH3HfHxH̙n`hx3H33x`3fx`3xx`3̙kx3dfHf3x`ff0xfx0xf̙dxf]`3`f``x`px3`33x3fx3x3xx3nf`f3xffxfxfxxfkx3xfxxxxx3x333f333xfxf3fffffxxH3 HfH(H2`8x`3 `f`̙`(`0xx3xfxx x(xPx3H33x`f3x`3(x`35x3<3`33xf3 x̙3x3(x323x33f3 333(xfH3fx`ff0xf(0xf<xfCf`3fxffx̙fxf(xf5fx3ffff ff((xH3x`f0x̙PPP`3xfx̙P̙(P<x3f̙(xx`3xfxPxPd`3xfx̙PPx3f(xx3fxx3f̙xx3ff`zf*]h