to Steve Crow's Brave New World Homepage

So what is "Brave New World"? Well, it's a number of things. However, we're not talking about
Shakespeare or Huxley here.
Rather, we're talking about the role-playing game Brave New World, written by Matt Forbeck, which deals with the concept of an alternate modern-day universe where superheros ("deltas") exist, and where Kennedy has ruled the U.S. with an iron hand since 1963. Deltas now must be registered, or considered criminals. Your characters may be members of the Delta resistance (the "Defiance,"), or registered Deltas that work for the state, or who are privately employed by hiring agencies, or who are out-and-out criminals. Take your pick.
(1/14/02): Added a link to a new message board: EZBoard's Brave New World Board
(12/20/01): Added a bibliography of all published BNW material
(9/19/01): Matt Forbeck announces Alderac will be pulping their remaining stocks of BNW, and that sometime tentatively before the end of '01, he will be publishing the complete explanation of whole BNW backstory and where he was going to be going with Crossroads.
(9/6/01): Added a new character: Mr. Terrific (Glory Days)
(9/5/01): Added a new character: The Monocle
(9/4/01): Added a new character: Mr. Terrific (modern-day)
(9/4/01): Updated a Trick: Find Weakness
(8/29/01): Updated the Official BNW FAQ Page
Author's Material

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Brave New World, Defiants, Defiance, Bargainers, Patriot, Superior, Truth,
the Yankee, Triumph, Inc., Evil Unlimited, delta, alpha, Delta Prime, the AEG logo and
all character names and likenesses depicted herein are Trademarks of Alderac Entertainment
Group, Inc.
© 1999 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Brave New World created by Matt Forbeck.