Steve Crow - Bibliography

What follows is a complete list of my efforts in gaming to date:
Editing and Misc.
Storyline Team - Series Archer RPG - 2001 - 2004
Storyline Team - Doomtown CCG - 2000 - 2002
Published Works
Battle Above the Earth (Villains & Vigilantes, Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1981)
Terror by Night (Villains & Vigilantes, Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1982)
For Mayfair Games
Legion of Super-Heroes Sourcebook, Vol. 1 (Mayfair Games, 1983, with Paul Levitz)
Pawns of Time (Mayfair Games, 1983, with Chris Mortika)
Superman Sourcebook (Mayfair Games, 1984, with Chris Mortika)
Belle Reeve Sourcebook (Mayfair Games, 1985, with Doug Franks)
Operation: Atlantis (Mayfair Games, 1986)
For White Wolf Games
Chicago by Night (White Wolf Games Studio, 1992, Geography section)
Succubus Club (White Wolf Games Studio, 1992, "Grand Elusion" of an anthology work)
World of Darkness (White Wolf Games Studio, 1992, "Jordan" of an anthology work)
Storytellers' Guide (White Wolf Games Studio, 1993, several sections of an anthology work)
Clanbook Brujah (White Wolf Games Studio, 1993)
Way of the Wolf (White Wolf Games Studio, 1993)
Player's Guide, 2nd Edition (White Wolf Games Studio, 1994, several sections of an anthology work)
For Alderac Entertainment Games
Spycraft, 1st Edition, 2001 (several sections of a larger work)
Shadowforce Archer, 2002 (several small sections of a larger work)
Swordsmen's Guild, 2002 (with Kevin Boerwinkle)
Heroes, Villains, and Monsters (for Swashbuckling Adventures), 2002 (several entries of a larger work)
Good Sourcebook, 2002 (several sections of a larger work)
Relics Sourcebook, 2003 (several sections of a larger work)
Pan-Asian Collective (for Spycraft, with Scott Gearin and Clayton Oliver), 2003 (one-third of book)
Living Spycraft Modules: The Tengu Conspiracy, The Condemned, Outbreak, Lockdown
African Alliance (for Spycraft, with Scott Gearin, Clayton Oliver et al), 2003 (one-third of book)
Stargate Season 1, 2 & 3, Living Gods, Unexplored Worlds books (editing, additional material)
For Twilight Creations
The Most Dangerous Game (two Spycraft fiction pieces), 2003
For Guardians of Creation
Path of the Bold - short story Timelines 2004
Magazine Work
Line Reviewer - The Space Gamer (Steve Jackson Games) - 1981-1983
Line Reviewer - White Wolf Magazine (White Wolf) - 1992-1992
Columnist - "Pen & The Sword" (Castle News - Thunder Castle Games) - 1996 - 2000
Columnist - "Master's Stratagem" (Gamer's World - - 1997
Columnist - "Master's Stratagem" (Paradigma) 1997 - 2000
Line Reviewer - Azrael Online 1999 - 2002
"Phoenix Rising" - Spycraft Adventure for Gaming Unlimited, June 2002
Playtesting Efforts
Torg/West End Games - late 1980s - Orrorsh Sourcebook, Space Gods Sourcebook, Tharkold Sourcebook, Kanawa Vehicle Guide
Highlander/Thunder Castle Games - 1997-Present - Watcher's Chronicle, The Gathering, Arms & Tactics, Four Horsemen
Babylon 5/Precedence Games - 1999 - Psi-Corp Expansion, Shattered Dreams
Artbox - 2000 - Monster Hunter
Upper Deck - 2000 - present - NASCAR Challenge, Wizard in Training, Survivor, Cardcaptors, Bionicle, Gregory Horror
Alderac Games - 2001 - present - Series Archer