There used to be a girl who was a firebrand

She's inherited Kassandra's Curse

The temper has cooled

The view has changed

And all the disbelivers don't matter anymore.

You see, I see.

I see right trhough you

I've had it with lies.

I've had it with abuse.

I'm done being a good girl and sitting and doing what I'm told.

I'm done paving your road to her pain.

Fight me, go ahead.

You think you've seen all I've got?

You haven't seen the tip of the iceburg.

You knew a beaten and lame creature, caged and hurt.

But I'm healed now.

I can see now.

I can breathe now.

Eyes of the tiger will pierce straight through

Claws of a dragon sharpened to fight

Fire burning round my heart

Spirit of a bear set to protect

You knew a girl who lost her way

You knew a girl ready to die

She's dead

She died in a room covered in blood and blankets and monitors

And she gave birth to two that day

A young child who needed protection

And a mother

A mother who will fight with every last ounce of strength for her child

So go ahead and tell your lies

To yourself, to them, to me.

I see through you.

And even if you "win" again

Can you really live with what you have done?

Can you really live with all your lies?

I keep my peace to her now.

But even now she begins to know the truth.

She will see, all on her own.

I shall not have her hate me as she will you.

I shall let her learn for herself.

And she shall.

And then all your lies will destroy you.

You're digging your own grave.