Magicmoonz on Romance


Welcome to my Romance page. Yes, I am a Romantic.
I feel Love and Romance
are a VERY important part of life.
I know when I'm alone, I feel so lost and empty.
Actually, even when in a relationship, it can be even lonelier without the love and romance there.
I have a strong desire to love and to be loved.
Romance is a wonderful thing.
Best wishes to all Romantics out there.
May you find the true love and romance
that your heart desires.
On this page you will find tips,
ideas and quotes on romance.
Most of these quotes are from Gregory J.P. Godek books.
He is a wonderful writer.
And the "King of Romance".

Please bookmark and return for more on romance.

It's here!
Magicmoonz Thoughts; Romance page 2


Let's be honest: Love is not all that you need. However...When you do have love in your life, it makes up for many things you may lack. But if you lack love,then no matter what else you have, or how much you have,
it will never be enough.

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it
you will land among the stars."
~ Les Brown

If a person is not Romantic, at all.
This page may not help. Sometimes, we try to change a person into what WE WANT him/her to be. But,we should NOT do that. If what we want is not in that person; then maybe it's time to move on. It's not right to try and change someone to fit what we want. He/She will not be happy and neither will you.I am not saying to go out and break up with your love. But..(there's always that big but) life is short, and how would you like to live it?
Sad? Happy? It is your choice.

Yes, Love can be a struggle - but it's not a battle.

They say" Money can't buy you love" - but it can buy a dozen red roses.

True, "Love is blind" - but it's not stupid!!

"Love does not - cannot - hurt. It's the absence of love that hurts."

You know, of course, that green m&m's are aphrodisiacs, don't you?!

The 10 most important words in any loving relationship:
Trust * Intimacy * Communication * Commitment * Love * Friendship * Patience * Humor * Flexability * Forgiveness

"You give but little when you give your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."
~Kahlil Gibran

"Love is not a matter of counting the years - but making the years count."
~ Michelle St. Amand

Real love stories don't have endings.

Romance is about the little things.

Romance is the expression of love.
It's not the same as love,
but it's the language of love.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
~George Bernard Shaw

Did you know... that different colored roses have different meanings?

Pink= Friendship
Yellow= Respect
White= Purity

I have contacted a local florist and here is another list on roses:
Pink= Just because
Yellow= Friendship
White = Purity/ Innocence
My advice: Contact your local florist for the "meanings" in your town.


Love is...waking her/him gently with soft caresses and kisses.

"Romantic gestures have no ulterior motive.
Their only purpose is to express love."

Flowers? Guys/Gals, PLEASE! "No Money" is not a good enough excuse.
You can:
Pick wildflowers - from the side of the road or from a field. It's free!
It is the thought that counts and something is always better than NOTHING.

Relationships aren't 50/50 -- they're 100/100.

"Love doesn't teach, it shows the way.
Love doesn't lecture, it just loves!"

"In order to create, there must be a dynamic force,
and what force is more potent than love?"
~ Igor Stravinsky

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are
tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don't expect your relationship to work on Automatic Pilot.
You'll eventually crash.

"A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point."

"Love is it's own aphrodisiac
and is the main ingredient for lasting sex."
~Mort Katz

"One is the loneliest number."
~Three Dog Night

Romance is a state of mind, an attitude. It's not so much what you do as how you do it. This is why little gestures work so well. It's also why some people (mostly men) just don't "get it" when it comes to romance. If you approach romance and relationships with a cynical attitude --- or a rigid, overly-practical state of mind-- you just won't tune-in to what's going on here.

The highest form of romance is optional romance-- gestures made that are not required or expected.
The middle form --obligatory romance-- is that which is required by custom or culture. It's important, but of minor consequence in the larger scheme of keeping relationships functioning at a high level of passion.
The lowest form--reluctant romance-- is hardly worth mentioning. It's dishonest on the part of the giver, and an insult to the recipient.

Some of Magicmoonz favorite love songs:
Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? - Bryan Adams
My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion
One In A Million You - Larry Graham
Open Arms - Journey
Do I Have To Say The Words? - Bryan Adams
One Hundred Ways - James Ingram



My advice: If you really what to learn more on how to be romantic, buy these books by:
Gregory J.P. Godek

1001 Ways To Be Romantic
1001 More Ways To Be Romantic
The Portable Romantic
Romance 101
The Lovers' Bedside Companion

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