 154 Words OR August Heat
Author: LaLizWoman
Summary: August. Hot. Butt watching.
154 Words II OR Idle Thoughts
Author: LaLizWoman
Summary: 154 words of smut.
154 Words III OR Not Soon Enough
Author: LaLizWoman
Summary: 154 words of smut. Sequel to
"August Heat" and "Idle Thoughts"
154 Words of SSR or Lapels
Author: BethLynn
Summary: Damn. . . the intro's longer than the
story. Lapel grasping, and gasping.
154 Words IV OR One
Night I: Thinking Wishfully
Author: LaLizWoman
Summary: Mildly Offensive, but just for
naughty thoughts and one erection
154 Words OR One Night
II: Wishful Thinking
Author: LaLizWoman
Summary: Thoughts of a four condom night.
154 Words - I: Circumstantial Evidence
Author: LaLizWoman
Summary: Scully, Skinner, a meeting, and a
conference table
154 Words - II: Body of Evidence
Author: LaLizWoman
Summary: Sequel to I: Circumstantial Evidence
154 Words - III: Compromising Positions
Author: LaLizWoman
Summary: Sequel to II: Body of Evidence
154 Words - IV: The
Quick And The Orgasmic
Author: LaLizWoman
Summary: Sequel to III: Compromising Positions
155 Words: Sweet
Author: JourneyToX
Summary: 155 Words of pineapples; yummmm....
155 Words or The Moment of Truth -
What's in a Name
Author: KateSwan
Summary: You guys made it look
like fun