 155 Words, OR The Shortest MSR Ever
Author:Brandon Ray
Summary: The title says it all
155 Words 2; OR Coitus Interruptus
Author:Brandon Ray
Summary: It has been pointed out to me that
I missed a few cliches in the first one...
155 Words 3; OR Wedding Bells and
Author:Brandon Ray
Summary: More cliches...but I can quit
anytime I want to. Really.
155 Words 4; OR Babies and Other
Hazards of Sex
Author:Brandon Ray
Summary: Somebody stop me before I post
155 Words 5, OR O! Wilderness!
Author:Brandon Ray
Summary: Shannon reminded me about this
series, and I just can't let her have the last word...
155 Words 6, OR The Shortest
Scully/Other, Then MSR Ever Written
Author:Brandon Ray
Summary: Shannon is to blame once again.
155 Words 7, OR The Shortest Casefile
Ever Written
Author:Brandon Ray
Summary: MulderPhile made a big mistake by
posting the following to ATXC:
"Thanks to Brandon Ray for his "155 words"
idea, but 155 words isn't long enough
for a REAL story... or is it??? Prove me wrong if
you can!"
155 Words 9, OR the Shortest
"Downtime" Story Ever Written
Author:Brandon Ray
Summary: This one's for Sheryl, because she's
had a bad week. ;)