
RedThunder feedback and ideas at redthunder@excite.com 155 Words or Coital Cliches
Summary: Dammit, now I'm doing it too.
155 Words or Poetic License
Summary: Don't you just hate those sequels
within sequels? <eg>
155 Words or Poetic License II
Summary: Somebody stop me!
155 Words or Poetic License III
Summary: Don't you just hate those sequels
within sequels? Especially the ones
that never end?<eg>
155 Words or Poetic License IV
Summary: Finally, the conclusion! <eg>
155 Words or the Shortest
Post-Colonization Story
Summary: Uh, Post-colonization. Story.
155 Words or the Shortest Office
Sex Scene
Summary: There's sex. In the office.
155 Words or the Shortest Song Fic
Summary: Come on folks, it's only 155 words. It
doesn't need a summary...
155 Words or the Shortest
X-Files/Highlander Crossover
Summary: Mulder, Scully, and...swords
155 Words or the Shortest
Mulder/Mary Sue Story II
Summary: Mulder and a...dancer.
155 Words or The Shortest
Scully/Krycek Romance
Summary: Well, he *is* sexier than Mulder....
155 Words or the
Shortest X-Files/Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crossover
Summary: Come on folks, let's suspend some
disbelief here....
155 Words or the Shortest MOTW
Summary: If this were an actual ep, it would be
written by John Shiban and would have a
Spanish title. You might want to flee now...
155 Words or the Shortest
Mulder/Skinner, Mulder/Krycek, Scully/Skinner Romance
Summary: Goodness, the title isn't enough?
155 Words or the Shortest Evil Peep
Author: RedThunder
Summary: They're taking over the earth! Beware!
155 Words or the Shortest Lone
Gunmen Story (1/2)
Author: RedThunder
Summary: For all those who think that there is no
such thing as too much Lone Gunmen.
155 Words or the Shortest Lone
Gunmen Story (2/2)
Author: RedThunder
Summary: For all those who think that there is no
such thing as too much Lone Gunmen.
155 Words or the
Shortest Internet MSR
Author: RedThunder
Summary: You've Got Mail it ain't....
Words or the Shortest Wrongfully Accused Story
Author: RedThunder
Summary: Okay, okay, I promised. Fowley dies.
Not 155 Words, but more of a Fractured Fairy Tale...
X-File Fairy Tale -- ScullyDoc and the Three Wares
If you've enjoyed these 155 Words stories visit
RedThunder's site. http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/1419/redthunder/index.html