Blackbird's Stories

Welcome to my story page. I came up with all the stories that you will see on this page and not a single one of them are copied from anything else. I came up with the stories myself and had the help from my friends for the characters that are introduced in my stories. Enjoy as you read each of them. Now sit back and enjoy the stories that I call...
The Beast Wars Saga
Out of the Past
Blackbird, an Autobot warrior, is thrown into the Beast Wars timeline.
The Discovery
The Predacons find an alien creature and a new Maximal is introduced.
Enter: Darkbird
A Predacon clone of Blackbird is created and many new Predacons are introduced.
A Day Off
The Maximals get a day to just kick back and relax.  Hijinks galore!
The Return
Darkbird comes back in style and the return of Scorponok and Terrorsaur.
Love Conquers All
Tarantulus and Blackarachnia settle their differences (if you know what I mean... and I think you do).
A face from Megatron's past returns.
Airazor and Blackbird talk about feelings towards their significant others.
A new Predacon mortally wounds Airazor, and Tigatron must reflect on his feelings towards her.
The Power of Love
A sequel to "Love Conquers All" involving Tigatron and Airazor.
The Maximals are having a shared nightmare, in which they are being hunted by a familiar dreamstalker.
Chance Encounter
A story written for English class, featuring one of the mose hellacious 2-man brawls in a fanfic!
Last Hope
Something is draining the energy from the Beast Warriors, and their only hopes lay in Cheetor and Waspinator.
The Prophecy
Darkbird gets a visit from his future self.
A new Maximal and Predacon must deal with their past lives