Hey there! I am now an Amazon.com Associate, which means you can buy things from Amazon.com from the comfort of my site! Click here to go to the page of titles I recommend.


Until I figure some sort of replacement for the 3D Cube that used to be here (but had to be removed because it crashes my computer), the text-link menu at the bottom will have to suffice as the method of getting around the section. It does leave this page a bit empty of content, though, doesn't it? Well, you can always follow this link here to go to my page about Mara Jade, my net-persona's namesake, and all-around cool person.


I finally have a cyberpet for this page. Between what he is and the name on his certificate, I think you'll understand why I chose him. Click on him or the certificate to go to the page and adopt your own.


Check out these little guys (and gal):

Three of them were my entries in Sheriberry's Netbabies Do Halloween Costume Contest, and the rest are just continuations of the theme. Cute, aren't they? Click on them to go to the Netbabies Do Halloween page where you can get Netbabies in Halloween costumes, or download dressyourown.gif so you can make your own Netbaby costumes, even though the contest is over. (However, please don't download my costumes. I worked hard on them. If you really want them for some weird reason, please e-mail me for permission to use them on your page, and I'll mail you a special copy of the one(s) you want.)

I would like to ask of all my visitors that if you see *anyone* other than Sheriberry who has these costumed Netbabies of mine on their site please tell me at once! Although I am happy to give out specialized copies of them to those who ask, I do not want them distributed as is. I have sent one to my friend Ken in the form of a banner for linking back to my site, but his page went down when he graduated, so it's a moot point. This is the basic form in which I will distribute them to those who ask, though it certainly doesn't have to be that large, and it can be any of the characters. In fact, it can be as tiny as I can make it. But anyone who has one without a banner around it has stolen the image, and I beg all of you to help me stop Web thieves from taking them. I worked hard on them, and I think it only fair that I receive credit for my efforts, so please, if you ever see anyone who has one of them "loose" or in a banner that doesn't seem like I made it, please please please please please please please please e-mail me with their URL!




The Imperial March, by John Williams. (Though I downloaded it from an archive on the Web somewhere, I think it's the version off the Dark Forces CD-ROM....speaking of which, now that I have Jedi Knight, I feel I ought to publicly apologize for having doubted it, as it totally rocks.)

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