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Delphinic Vibes...

Watery Web

Salt Corner Keysmariculture Whatcom County M.R.C.


Periodically, working a full-time job and maintaining a 5 Acre property and a house just isn't enough to keep me busy. (That sound that you can hear in the background is my wife laughing uncontrollably!)

In any case, I occassionally dabble in website design. The three links above take you to some websites that I have done for other people/organisations. I invite you to take a look and see some of my handiwork. The Salt Corner and Keysmaricuture sites have a focus on marine aquariums and related topics. The Whatcom County Marine Resources Committee site is a map presentation site that I did as part of a contract for the County. If you like my work, and are interested in hiring me to do a website for you or your business, then you're welcome to email me.

However, I am not a full-time IT professional and my available time is somewhat limited. The upside to that is that I don't charge at the same rates as a full-time IT professional either. What I do is restricted to html and cascading style sheets only. I am sometimes able to find freebie javascripts and modify them too. If you're looking for more advanced webpage design, and interactive features such as online GIS, shopping carts, java applets, or the like, then I'd suggest paying the higher rates of the IT professionals. If you're in the market for a reliable, cheap, and fully featured webhost that also has a good customer service record, then I strongly recommend a company called Powweb. Someday I might even relocate Delphinic Vibes there despite the free nature of hosting on Yahoo.


Craig Dolphin