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Delphinic Vibes...

A terrestrial Dolphin encounter!

Welcome to Delphinic Vibes: Craig and Karen Dolphin's website. For any visitors that are hoping for (aquatic) Dolphin images, I'm sorry but there won't be much of interest on this website beyond those you can already see. If the images on this page are of interest then please feel free to use them as you wish. The species shown is the Dusky Dolphin (Kaikoura, New Zealand).

This site is divided into three main sections. "Below the surface" introduces who we are and, we hope, will allow friends and family to touch base with us. "Dolphin Deeds" is mostly geared towards some of our professional interests. Those interested in Craig's biological illustrations, for example, might like to detour there. Finally, there is a small section that profiles some of Craig's website development projects ("Watery Web"). You can navigate using the blue links to the left of your screen.

Thanks for stopping by. Please feel free to email Craig with any comments that you may have, or better yet you could sign our dinky little guestbook. You can read other people's comments here. If you want to return to this page just click on the dolphin in the top right corner of the page.