''A monolith to stupidity - Part comedy show, part information center.''


We are always on the Watch for bad guys on online auctions !

Created on 2/19/00 by Thrawn


1. To provide a community of buyers and sellers who are committed to honesty and making ALL Internet auctions better, safer and more fun places. Email me if you want to become part of the community of honest sellers. Members are then welcome to Get the Code for your me page! and join the US Yahoo Group (formerly an eGroup). 
2. To give you the knowledge to spots frauds and cheats. 
3. To help you out if you have had a bad auction experience. 
4. To have a good time!! 
5. Increase the pressure on eBay to give us some of the great features they have on Yahoo Auctions instead of wasting time with BS like changing Billpoint to "eBay payments". I am a supporter of eBay and have been for years. I buy and sell there, but have felt in the last year they have started to lose what made them great. 
6. To support each other when we have problems with people we run across - buyers and sellers. Remember it's never about me, it is about US !

I have been buying and selling most of my life and have been on the Internet since is was accessed with an acoustic modem in 1982. This site is my way of helping + humoring people since I have been in the game for so long.

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It's Cory Lidle Ghoul School Madness.

Disclaimer: This site is not owned, operated or affiliated with eBay. They don't even like it really.

If you collect video games check out my other site 