Hi I'm Simu.
Why I call myself Simu?
...hum... long time ago I wanted to test IRC and had to
choose a nickname. Since I work with simulation I got SIMU
just for testing... testing ended long time ago, but thats
still my nick :-)
I was born in Germany but soon my parents (and I) moved to
Brazil where I grow up. Now we are back in Germany...
I love flight simulation, started before being 15 years old
using an Apple ][+
I got stuck on that... and also got a private pilot license...
but haven't got the pilots seat for some time :-/
Years ago I started rescue swimming at the DLRG (
check the picture below as I am leaving the pool after
training (hard
things I may use someday...
some links and some memos
for myself...
vacations at Belize 2004
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