Welcome to Lusitania Secundus.
This site is mostly dedicated to Games Workshop 25mm miniatures futuristic wargame: Warhammer 40 000.
Here you'll find galleries of the best models I have painted yet and short stories I wrote about my various armies:
The Laurelyn Avengers, strictly codex Space Marines
The Tears of Doom, a plagued Blood Angels successor chapter
Hiril Amrath, an eldar craftworld.

This site is optimised for a resolution of 1024x768 pixels or greater.


Every month, I'll try to upload a picture of my latest work

This month, a picture of an Ork Warboss. It is strongly inspired by Brian Shaw's ork that made 3rd at the US Golden Demon 2001.
I really loved this figure so here is my interpretation.
It is by far the mini that took me the longest time to paint: nearly 30 hours so please feel free to tell me what you think

A fluff guide

You should definitely read this section if you wish to enjoy Lusitania's different stories
Here you'll find an index of locations an characters and the chronological order of the stories

Visitez cette section si vous voulez profiter pleinement des histoires de Lusitania
Vous y trouverez un index des lieux et des personnages et surtout l'ordre chronologique du fluff

fluff index


Laurelyn Avengers
This section has pictures of the troops and vehicles
used by the Laurelyn Avengers.

Chapter basic fluff | Chaplain Nemes short strory

Single characters | Squads and vehicles

Tears of Doom
A Blood Angels successor chapter, doomed by the black rage
basically fighting with 6 Dreadnoughts, 6 Scouts squads and a Death Company


Fluff and Galleries
Chapter basic fluff | Tears of Doom Gallery


Hiril Amarth
My eldar craftworld
Mainly for the fun of painting, I very rarely play with it


Fluff and Galleries
Craftworld basic fluff | Hiril Armath Gallery


The Chaos
Evil characters
I'm painting mainly for fun and to give reality to my fluff characters


Fluff and Galleries
A Gallery of Evil | Gorthaur's Fate



The Sister Blandine Saga
A saga I'm now working on,
hoping to unite the fluff of my 3 armies around one single central point

Saga part 1 | Saga part 2
Her picture


From the french White Dwarf
Scans of the French Golden Demon winners
average quality but worth seeing for sure
1999 Golden Demon | 2000 Golden Demon


Battle reports
This section will show some battle reports
in my gaming group
Comments in french for now .
Avengers VS Xenoclasts


Links and New
A history of Lusitania updates and
links to valuable Warhammer 40 000 sites
What's new? | links


If you have encountered any problems or just want to send a comment, please mail me: Arthobald

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Last Update: september, 17th 2001
Special Thanks to Tom Setzer, TT, Greg and Tristan Cuenot.
Copyright © 1998 - 2001 Nicolas Jeannier