Lt.Cdr. Kolex vestai QIHqem comanding
A proud ship in the Dark Pheonix Quadrant
of the Dark Moon Fleet
in The Klingon Assault Group
She is K'Tinga class battle cruiser,stationed near Louisville ,Kentucky and covers most of northern Kentucky and southern Indiana .

Stellar Con was a blast! The changling hunt was excellant and Qa'pla! to the IKV Grand Inquisitor for hosting the Dead Tribble Cafe', they had great food and excellant Klingon drinks! I was very disapointed that most of my pictures came back so dark , But here are the ones I could salvage.

This page is maintained by LT K'beck tai DevnoH
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Sev Trek - cartoon spoofs
                         of Star Trek. Copyright 1997 by John Cook.

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LT K'beck tai DevnoH.

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