When I first got this gun, (I did some trading for it) The trigger pull was horrible! The first thing I had to do was a good trigger job. They didn't do any fitting on the sear and hammer at the factory. A little polishing and the trigger is down to about 4LB's now.
The accuracy was wasn't to bad , about 3" at 25 yards and It seeems to digest just about everthing I feed it.
Now for the things I didn't like about it. The slide release and safties stuck out so far I had to grind them all down about half of thier original thicknesses. The grips had to go to, not that anything was wrong with 'em I just like smooth wood grips, personal preference. Unless I am mistaken it has a stainless steel barrel. I guess time will tell as to how long the barrel and the rest of it will hold together , but for the money I think it is a good buy, so far.
I had a Llama .45 a while back , and comparing the two I think the Charles Daily has a better fit and finnish, the Llama had way too many burs left on the slide than what I prefer. The Daily is better assembled and has a better 'feel' to it.
I guess I have a thing for old military weapons, My next display is an M1 Carbine in .30 cal. This particular example is an Iver Johnson 1991 50th Anniversery issue. Little or no collectors value , but a good 'shooter'. This rifle functioned a little roughly at first, so I can only assume that it wasn't even fired enough to be broken in, I did just a little polishing in key places and it functions with only one problem. One in about 100 rounds or so a spent cartridge will get cought in the returning charging handles' top cover. (The picture is a live round set to show what I mean)
If someone can suggest how to fix this let me know.(Just click on the picture above)or I think I'll try to reshape the triangle into somthing more likely to push the round out instead of traping it. Any way the rifle is FUN, low recoil, good ammo is cheap and it punches paper just fine. It ain't ganna print 1" groups at 100 yards, but you can shoot it all day!
My next example is a Mosin-Nagant, this little rifle is 8.75lbs with a 28.8" barrel. Mine is a M91 Dragoon made in 1926. My best group so far is 3 1/4" at 100 yards. Since then I did some more trigger work, and have not been able to get back to the range yet. The trigger pull on the rifle was about the same as an untunned duble action revolver! Long and heavy, since I went to work on it it is about 4lb pull weight with about 1/4" travel. I did have to add a spring in the internal workings to get it there, so now mine has 3 moving parts in the trigger insted of just 2! This is one of the most simple weapons internally that I have had the priviledge to work on! Before collectors start having fits, very few of the serial # match on this rifle. The hammer & sickle have been defaced, and the rear of the bolt had already been ground on to clear the receiver (and a poor job it was). I did some trading for this peice too. I have a revolving door policy on my gun safe! Here is a comparison photo so you can see just how big this one is.