The Slayers RPG Villains

And now for the guys who make the lives of our party miserable! Who are they? (In the order of their defeat.)


Elder Fesnic

Sex: Female

Age: unknown

Height: short

Race: Human/Mazoku

Motivation: She simply follows High Priest Zoragath's orders.

Special Ability: Fesnic mastered nearly all the holy magic at the Temple of Nightmares before becoming part Mazoku. Think holy magic derived from the Lord of Nightmares and add that to a dilution of Gaav's power - not a pretty picture. However, while her holy magic is now limited by her Mazoku abilities, her best spell is still the temple's equivalent of Ray Freeze.

Random Fact: At the temple, she was the power equivalent of Hellmaster Phibrizzo in the hierarchy. However, she only got that far after making her deal with Zoragath.

First Appearance: walking past the tavern Ara was in at the beginning of the third episode

Death: After miscalculating the consequences of her actions (like her namesake), she was killed by Leigh Fyresprey in the Temple of Nightmares.

Appearance: Fesnic looks like she is in her thirties, but she could be older than that. Her black eyes are cold and calculating, and she has short, shaggy, dark blue hair. She wears white robes, which were trimmed by red to indicate her rank as Elder; the robes had a patch with the Lord of Nightmares' symbol sewn across the chest. She wears a medallion with Phibrizzo's symbol on it; it signifies her rank as Hellmaster's representative and acts as a talisman to amplify her power.

Information: Like typical humans, she wanted more power. Fesnic was not satisfied as the representative priest of Hellmaster Phibrizzo and aimed higher - namely for whatever power she could get. Around that time, Zoragath approached her with a proposition: serve him and he would give her more power than she could imagine. Unfortunately, she accepted and was promoted to Elder, as well as becoming part Mazoku. Later, she realized that her power was actually limited by the addition of Mazoku, which warred with her holy magic, but she didn't dare cross Zoragath, even to save her own life.


Ueiko Crovaar

Player: Vertex of Souls and then NPC

Sex: Male

Age: very young, possibly 5

Height: 6'4"

Race: Human/Mazoku

Family: Bob Crovaar

Motivation: His problem with the party? None really. He didn't know he was part Mazoku, but when that part of him was destroyed, he made a deal with Zoragath to become Mazoku again. Then he followed his orders.

Special Ability: Ueiko is a direct descendent of Gaav and the only remaining person known to still be able to cast Gaav Flare. He is also a master of Black Magic, often causing 3-5 times the normal damage, due to the fact that he is part Mazoku.

Random Fact: The Mazoku Crainte that was involved in the murder of his "father" later became imprisoned as the sword Crainte Vomir by Deep Sea Dolphin when she found out Crainte hadn't told her about Ueiko.

First Appearance: first to rescue Ara in the first episode

Death: After betraying their whereabouts to Zoragath, Ueiko was challenged to a duel by Kurtzan in the ninth episode. Kurtzan claims to have killed him, and he doesn't seem to have lied, but one wonders how fair the fight was.

Appearance: Ueiko has a powerful build, but he isn't overly intimidating for his size. His eyes and hair are both crimson, and his hair, which is at his shoulder blades, is loosely tied back. He favors black and red, as it is the color of his clothing, but black dominates his attire since the only red is his short-sleeved shirt and the interior of his hooded black cape. His red shirt is even covered by a black vest. Black bracers, which have strange dark red symbols on them, almost completely cover his forearms. His intricately carved claymore is even black, as is its blade; the detail is so great that the figure making up the sword almost looks alive. The figure is a Chinese dragon whose upper half makes up the hilt; its two arms, holding a crystal in each hand, make up the hand guards. The dragon's eyes look like rubies and another crystal is in its half-open mouth; the crystals change color like fire. The scabbard is the other half of the dragon; the other legs are tucked against the side. The whole sword looks like it is made out of black ivory, but it is much stronger than that.

Information: Ueiko was born as a cross breeding experiment by the Mazoku under Chaos Dragon Gaav. Gaav wished to give a Mazoku the ability to use Shamanistic Spirit magic, so he could find a way to neutralize its ability to harm Mazoku or stop its ability altogether. Once this was accomplished, Gaav would have an advantage over the other Dark Lords, but unfortunately, Ueiko was born far too human and with the wrong parts Mazoku. Namely, he had a soul, unacceptable to the Mazoku, and free will.

As two of Gaav's minions were about to dispose of the failed experiment, Lina and her party assisted with the deaths of Gaav the Demon Dragon King and Hellmaster Phibrizzo. So while their attention was turned o the massive power void that had suddenly appeared, a young farmer named Bob Crovaar stumbled upon scene. Thinking it was a human child being sacrificed or something, Bob snatched the infant out from under their diverted attention. Bob was fortunate enough to grab Ueiko during the resulting confusion of Gaav's absence, and the Mazoku failed to notice the child was missing.

The Mazoku, after spending a long time looking for Gaav - and being on the stupid side - not very well, decided it was time to find a new master but to do so would require a show of their dedication to their new master, so they set out to find the then young child. When one Mazoku found Bob Crovaar's house a few years later, it tried to get some information out of Bob. But it had never dealt with humans before and underestimated their frailty, and the farmer's emotions were enough to give the Mazoku something close to a buzz. In the farmer's rambling, it caught the word "dead" but it failed to realize that Bob was referring to himself. So the Mazoku killed the farmer without further stalling; Ueiko saw his father's brutal murder through a window, but he was unable to stop it or the Mazoku from escaping. After finding and being questioned by the other Mazoku, Crainte, the first Mazoku admitted that it could not be positive that Ueiko was indeed dead, so with the intention of not letting their failure be known, the murderer of Bob was killed; Crainte set off to find a master with a clean slate since no one else knew anything about Ueiko had happened and found Deep Sea Dolphin.

So with the body of an eight-year-old - a body that was rapidly maturing - Ueiko lived alone on the streets of Seyruun going practically unnoticed. He eventually realized he was significantly stronger than other people and a superb swordsman, but his passion was for magic. After casting a small spell by accident, he became fascinated by it because for some reason his other gifts didn't seem as extraordinary as his magic. He can teleport, but only a few miles at most and places where he's been; because it is a little painful, he teleports only short distances, if at all. His Mazoku magic is noticeably less potent then a full Mazoku, but because he does not know he is Mazoku, it is not important. He can also sense emotions and play off them, but he assumes this is good observance and not a Mazoku trait (fully exploited by his imp).

His is also accompanied by a small, teleporting imp, which is the destructive Mazoku side of Ueiko. Unfortunately, this imp was destroyed by Zoragath during the party's first confrontation with him. Ueiko started to feel emotions for the first time and it scared him, another emotion he wasn't used to. When combined with the sealing of his magic powers, Ueiko couldn't take it. He sought out Zoragath and made a deal: if Zoragath returned his power and made him Mazoku once more, Ueiko would serve him. Unfortunately, Ueiko didn't realize that he had just sealed his fate.

Extra: Ueiko created the original spell Chaos Strike.

The separation of Ueiko's human and Mazoku sides occurred because Ueiko was lonely on the streets of Seyruun, and consequently created a companion; however, he does not know that he created it, nor that all of his Mazoku side is contained in the magical construct. The imp, which is more pure of a Mazoku than Ueiko is, teleports all over the place but eventually makes his way back to Ueiko. It can communicate telepathically to Ueiko but makes sound when doing it for the sake of others. It is mischievous and constantly tries to get Ueiko to burn down some small village or just a farmer; this is because it needs to feed off negative emotions like a pure Mazoku does. It has intelligence because the destructive side of Ueiko resides in it, and it goes off to do whatever it wants to until he mentally calls it back (it can go do what it wants to because of he does not know it's his creature, but it has to come when he wishes it), or more correctly, he thinks of its being there. The imp does not have a name, and every time it is asked, it starts talking in incomprehensible riddles and in the third person a lot more annoyingly than at other times. The imp is the emotion feeding desire to destroy the world and the need to cause chaos part of Ueiko.

