The Slayers RPG

The Introduction

The Slayers RPG is an online role-playing game set in the world of The Slayers approximately a year after Try, the third season. It is done in storytelling format over AIM on Sundays at 2:30, but the time may be changed as we acquire players. As of right now, there are two players and one GM. The characters are in no way related to any of the main characters in The Slayers, but they follow the same world's rules.

Okay, that's a blatant lie, but Mina Sanverse isn't technically related to any one of them. ^_^;

GM: Rimoko42
Players: TenchiSama2875 and Zelchimera

The Rules


1. Everything has to stay canon. This means that everyone can't go around casting Giga Slave whenever they feel like it. I'm going to try my best to keep everything in line with The Slayers. Disclaimer: Hey, I can make mistakes; even the creator Hajime Kanzaka can't keep canon! ^_~

2. Every action in play has a chance of being carried out correctly. I decide whether or not it works and what happens if it fails. The chance of the action failing increases with the difficulty of the action/spell being carried out.

3. Random events happen that will help or hurt either side or a specific person. Examples: Sylphiel learned Dragon Slave by watching Lina cast it; Valgaav decided to turn against Almayce halfway through Try; Lina was on her period when she was captured by Zelgadis so she couldn't cast spells to protect herself.

4. The RPG will take place every Sunday at 2:30 unless you are otherwise informed. The session will last as long as it lasts. If you can't make it to a session, tell me beforehand so I can make arrangements to explain your absence. My email is and my AIM s/n is Rimoko42.

5. Stay in character! This means stay with your character's personality, alignment, abilities, and whatever spells they may or may not have. This also means no hero syndrome - doing things that you character can't/shouldn't be able to do. I'll warn you the first time and then severely punish you after that. You'll get three chances before I kick you out.

6. If you ever have any questions about Slayers canon, ask me. Any time.

7. Want to join? E-mail me (address is above).

8. The rules are subject to change and new ones may be added at any time.

9. Have fun! ^_~


1. I decide what action occurs first if there is a dispute.

2. All players should save their chat windows as back-up to for me in case I lose mine. This way we have proof the session went the way it went, and I also have material for the prose version.

3. Characters' thoughts may be directed at me in a private chat window, as well as questions, or anything else the other players don't need to know.

4. Actions don't have to have any special marks around them in the chat window. Characters' dialogue must have quotes around them and out of character comments must be proceeded by "OOC:".


Spells are one of the best parts of Slayers. They're also the hardest to keep with canon. I'm not sure how many spells I'll allow a character, but I'm going to assign a number per character based on his/her background/abilities. Each character may be allowed to create original spells. Click here for a nearly comprehensive list and explanation of Slayers spells taken from The following spells are forbidden, and the explanation for its forbidden status is given.

Forbidden Spells:

Blast Bomb - Rei Magnus created this spell and only very powerful mages can cast this spell. This isn't likely unless you're a villain or you major only in fire magic.

Bogardic Elm - Naga's original spell. However, it is a few years old, and there is a small possibility I'll let you have it.

Chaotic Disintegrate - It seems that this is one of the holy spells lost to humans since only Filia has been seen casting it. However, if you happen to be a priest/ess of some temple, I might let you have it.

Counter-Sleeping - Counts as an original spell you have to create since it is not taught at mage guilds.

Fishing Spell - Since it is Lina's original spell, you can't have it unless she taught you (NO!) or it's an original spell.

Flame Breath - Only dragons can cast this.

Freeze Rain - Naga's original spell. However, it is a few years old, and there is a small possibility I'll let you have it.

Gaav Flare - Gaav is just slightly dead.

Giga Slave - Lina's original spell. Plus, it would end the world.

Gu Lu Douger - Naga's original spell. However, it is a few years old, and there is a small possibility I'll let you have it.

Guy la Douger - Naga's original spell. However, it is a few years old, and there is a small possibility I'll let you have it.

Hell Blast - Phibrizzo is very, very dead.

Laguna Blast - Phibrizzo is still dead.

Lock - Counts as an original spell you have to create since it is not taught at mage guilds.

Mega Vraimer - Naga's original spell variant. However, it is a few years old, and there is a small possibility I'll let you have it or create your own variant.

Ragna Blade - Lina learned this from a Claire Bible manuscript, so in the off chance that you find one, you can have it, but you won't be able to control it.

Raugnut Rusyavuna - None of you are pure Mazoku, and if you were, I still wouldn't let you use this curse because it isn't fair to everyone else. There's also consequences to using this if I let you use it anyway (much like Lina's consequences for using Ragna Blade and Giga Slave).

Sleeping - Counts as an original spell you have to create since it is not taught at mage guilds.

Telepathy - This is a skill you are born with, just like Animal Empathy (Naga).

Unlock - Counts as an original spell you have to create since it is not taught at mage guilds.

Vu Raywa - Naga's original spell. However, it is a few years old, and there is a small possibility I'll let you have it.

Spell Interactions

Flare Arrow + Freeze Arrow =   Attract each other and cancel out.
Fireball + Freeze Bullet =   If they hit each other, they will cancel each other out.
Burst Flare + Vice Freeze =   Produces a loud noise and a thick fog, but no destructive effect.
Fireball + Fireball =   Multiply each other
Windy Shield + Bomb di Wind =   When cast inside the same barrier, the barrier is broken.

Corrected from QP/Diana's excellent Dictionary of Magic


Do I really have to explain the importance of this? The following is a character sheet used for playing characters and applying villains. There are only two rules: (1) be realistic, and (2) no one's related to a Slayers character.

Name: I'd prefer it to be in the style of Slayers, i.e. Japanese or a bastardization of English by the Japanese.

Age: It's not that important, but it helps. It doesn't have to a specific number like "18"; a generalization would work.

Sex: Just in case you have a gender neutral name.

Race: I'd prefer that you would be human, but you may be any race or magical creation except Mazoku (unless you're applying for villain). However, if you aren't human, you must also give me a good reason to let you be another race.

Appearance: This is what you look like (duh). Do you look your age? Remember, Amelia is 14, but she easily looks older than Lina. Hair color/length, eye color, what you wear, how tall you are, your build, a weight estimate, and anything else you can think of to make the character more vivid. Remember, I'm using this to describe you to other players, so you should do a good job.

Personality/Alignment: I don't literally want "Neutral Evil" or something like that. I want an outline of how the character should be expected to act, so I can kick you back in line if you are out of character. You must have an alignment that is common to your race. Mazoku are always evil and dragons are always good. If you're a hero, you have to have something along the lines of a good alignment.

Background: I really don't have to tell you about this one, but make it more than a paragraph, please. Put some thought into it.

Weapons: Are you a swordfighter, magic user, or a combination of both? If you are a magic user, I will let you have average spells and maybe a few above average. You may request spells, but that will affect whichever other spells you have. You may also make up spells unique to yourself, including variations of established spells. You can also choose a school of magic (Black, white, or fire, air, water, spirit, or earth shamanism) and you'll get higher spells in that school, but it'll decrease your ability to cast spells in other schools. If you are a swordfighter, whatever weapon you want goes, as far as I'm concerned, but your skill with it will vary.

Note 1: This will vary a lot if you are a swordfighter and magic user; you will be stronger in one than the other. I'm also willing to discuss a magical weapon or any sort of magical items.

Note 2: You may not request anyone's original spell. It is original. In order to know it, you have to learn it from the caster. E.g. Rofellos learned Tranquility from watching Mina's numerous times.

Extra: This is for anything else you feel I absolutely need to know about your character. This includes fears, loves, worshipping of imaginary gods (::cough:: Martina ::cough::), family members, or if you know anyone else from the party. If you are the villain, this includes any minions you may have.

