salamander - 07/08/00 06:51:10 | Comments: Glad to see you're still here! |
Adequate - 12/27/99 05:23:11 My URL: My | Comments: Howdy Sis, Love your site, and wish you the best. Your bruddah in spirit, -Adequate |
Becky Sharp - 12/17/99 04:26:21 My URL: My | Comments: Cool site! |
Howard Lewis - 07/09/99 15:51:16 My | Comments: KWANLU! Great photos! The northern lights is my favorite! -Eye1 |
Meandar - 06/29/99 15:13:53 My URL:/Athens/Forum/7241 My | Comments: Hmph... I usually ask people to add moose links to their pages-- but in your case, I decline most vehemently. The last thing the noble moose needs is to be lumped in with all the UFOs, Sasquatches, and leprechauns or whatever you consort with. (Althou h it is a little known fact that moose "antlers" are actually antennae that allow them to communicate with the mother ship from which their leaders rule the world. Well OKAY... not the whole world-- just Manitoba, if you want to get technical.) I've en oyed your poetry greatly... Thanks for inviting me! I will study the Sasquatch in order to defeat it. Fare well, kind lady. ;) |
*lizzy - 05/19/99 16:10:32 My URL: My | Comments: Hey lu... love the page... I linked it on that must mean something... Hope to see you in the art... chatting with me, of course. *lol*.. later alligator |
James - 04/20/99 12:08:08 My | Comments: Did you think that I forgot my promise? What's this I see where you group Space Exploration in with all the other 'wierd shit'? (laughing) The boys at the office will not be pleased! By the way, you are kind of cute! I need to get a pre-December picture scanned someday. I'll inflict it on you if you want. Good-bye for now! |
RickyG - 03/29/99 02:32:12 My URL: My | Comments: I am impressed.. my page need an update.. Strictly businedd... soon I am adding a personal page to it with to put you on there too ...OK *S* catch ya in the ART *HUG* |
slapshot™ - 03/11/99 20:27:07 My URL: My | Comments: Cool site!!!!....catch ya in the Library!!!
$ophocles - 03/07/99 04:35:17 My | Comments: What can I say...SoCal rocks! And so does Kwanlu. $ |
RickyG (TRACKER) - 02/25/99 03:39:14 My | Comments: Sorry that I forgot to sign your guestbook last visit! There you can't say I'm not a man of my word! Take care..........Get your but up here and visit us* s* |
l'envie - 02/05/99 08:41:34 My URL: My | Comments: sneaked a look at your page when you posted the addy for badness...and i kinda have a rule 'bout writing in books when i look at the guess i'll go trek round the other art peoples' pages...and check out that urban legends link. |
Lewis - 01/11/99 06:15:46 My | Comments: Hi Amy Nice talking to you in the room, your a lovely lady and it looks like your a outdoors type lady. nice homepage you have here Hugs (stretch) Lewis |
Master Joel Rizzo - 12/19/98 01:26:56 My URL: My Email:jrizzo@tigerkungfu | Comments: Great Page Amy and Congrats on your Iron Palm! |
Chica~* - 12/12/98 04:20:46 My URL: My | Comments: Hey cool page. It was coo chatting with ya about space and the Mars stuff.....take care and don't forget about you piece of the sky!!!!! Chica! |
Adam aka evillad - 12/09/98 21:49:14 My URL: | Comments: Me likes your page |
Larry the Cucumber - 12/04/98 01:52:22 My | Comments: hey, are's me.........larry from the hotel.............. ok.....i signed the i guess my job is done..... bye |
Jenni Willis-Opalenik - 11/29/98 22:37:59 My | Comments: Hey, Avocado! Just a note from "The Kidlet" to say that I've finally found and bookmarked your page. Very cool. Laters...Longhorn, Out. |
Freya - 11/21/98 05:54:11 My URL: My | Comments: Hello!! ...*smiles* ... I love your homepage ... =O) Thanks again for the soup reciepe ... *hugs* Freya =O) |
Christopher - 11/20/98 09:48:19 My | Comments: Made it.......whew Hey, you look good in the mornin. Nice page, great links, A bookmark must. Later babe Chris |
'Chelle - 11/17/98 02:23:39 My | Comments: oh girl..... a page.. a veritable peeki into the world of the mysterious kwanlu,,, and I adore trilobites...... |
outcast.....inexplicable or otherwise..... - 11/15/98 07:49:17 My URL: My | Comments: i'm here......and i'm walking through your book.....but i refuse to sign.....i'm just that kind of outcast.....besides, your smartfulness intimidatimaticullifies brain is but a leaky faucet in the unsanitary communal kitchen of life...... |
Animal - 11/15/98 07:44:05 My URL: My Email:you know | Comments: i am! |
Robin Goodfellow - 11/15/98 05:40:39 My | Comments: Just thought I would swing by and see how things were going. Robin Goodfellow |
JELL-O aka Grant - 11/11/98 03:27:37 My | Comments: Keep up the good work. Wow what a cool trilobite. |
gramps - 11/02/98 04:21:54 My URL: My | Comments: A fun 'light' page, easy to read and get an idea of what a delightful soul you are:) Hugs, Steve/gramps |
Kali - 10/31/98 22:33:14 My | Comments: Kwanlu!! I'm now even more deeply in love with you. Red is the color of the first chakra: grounding, stability, contentment. You look fantastic in red, darling. xo kali |