Shaun Shukayr's Home Page: The #1 web site on the net

Shaun Shukayr's home page

Hi, I'm Shaun Shukayr and this is my kick ass web page. This is a biography about myself. I was born and raised in Shreveport, LA on 10/26/82 and I'm currently living in Sierra Vista, AZ. I'm male and 100% straight, I don't like gay people, but I don't mind lesbians. Just a warning if you're gay and you try to get fresh with me then it is all over for you. If you are ever interested in chatting with me online look for me on yahoo chat under the alias "ROCKnROLL_Will_Never_Die". Thanks for stopping by to view my page and if you get a chance please sign my guestbook and leave comments and/or suggestions about this page.
people have suffered fatal injuries or death due to the content of this page.

This is me and my best friend Tamara
(She's really hot!)

This is another picture of Tamara

My photo album

You are victom
since 1/20/99