Signs You've Been In Band Too Long!!

- When you remember friends by chair number instead of their name.
- When you don't remember your boy/girlfriend's birthday, but you remember everything from your opener from your freshman year.
- When every time you drive by somewhere, you remember a band competition.
- When you remember the number of every pizza place around a competition.
- When you hear music and start marking time.
- When you walk in step with the person in front of you.
- When you try to guess the tempo of your favorite song.
- When all of your friends are in band.
- When you don't mind changing clothes on a bus.
- When you point out key changes and dynamics while listening to the radio.
- When you like wearing your uniform.
- When every guy/girl you're interested in is in the band.
- When people ask you about your social life and you say, "Oh, you mean my flute/trumpet/drum/etc...?"
- When you consider your drill book a fashion accessory.
- When you've had a "trombone-ectomy".
- When you practice your instrument more than you talk to your dog.
- When being mauled by a drum is a normal part of life.
- When people worry when they see you without your instrument.
- When "armed guard" means a girl with a pole instead of a guy with a gun.
- When band camp is FUN!
- When someone says the box "box" and you automatically put your head up.
- When you remember flats and sharps more easily than your name.
- When you dress the lunch line and urge others to do the same.
- When you're alone and you suffocate because there's no one telling to breathe.
- When slides feel normal
- When your instrument has a name.
- When you remember your instruments birthday and forget your mom's.
- When making a line is your biggest accomplishment of hte day.
- When marching backward no longer reminds you of ballet.
- When you give your instrument a birthday party.
- When you can make your brown shoes look white
- When your uniform fits.
- When black feathers become a fashion "do".
- When you see your section more that you see your family.
- When everyone wants to kill the other football team...and you want to kill the other band.
- When you think evening practices should last a half-hour longer.
- When you accidentally call your band director "Dad".
- When you CAN sight read.
- When you can put your uniform on in less than 10 minutes.
- When reeds taste good.
- When you think your plume is alive
- When marking time is your favorite form of exersise.
- When you have a neck strap/harness tan line.
- When you subconsciously start practicing with your pencil
- When numbers past 8 aren't important
- When you're more opinionated about the Madison Scouts/Phantom Regiment rivalry than Clinton's politics.
- When you role-step through the cafeteria so you don't spill your lunch.
- When you'd rather practice than read this list.
- When letters past G aren't important.
- When everybody fights like family.
- When you root for the other football team to lessen the time of your season.
- When you know everybody else's personal business.
- When you've practiced so long, the color guard is together.
- When you have no more secrets.
- When you don't try to hide the fact that you're in band.
- When you subconsciously start humming your music.
- When you know not only your part, but everyone else's too.
- When you eat lunch with all of the other band people.
- When you start to eat lunch in the band room.
- When you can tell who's in the bathroom by looking at their sneakers under the stall.
- When you resort to humming your band music to fall asleep.
- When wide open spaces stir up an urge to march your show.
- When you have a pin from every competition you've been to.
- When your friends that aren't in marching band create a group called "non-marchers".
- When you have 2 instruments--a junky one for marching band and a good one for concert band.
- When dreams of marching are constantly in your head.
- When you can't go to the movies on weekends with your friends.
- When you don't see your parents on the weekends.
- When your free time is spent on homework.
- When the drummers actually start to make sense.
- When you wear your band shirt in public.
- When you have your friends call you to attention before you walk anywhere.
- When your furnature is dented from banging drumsticks on it.
- When you can make this list longer.
- When you get the jokes on this list.
I hope you enjoy these! :)