Hi, there my name is Allen. But you probably saw that at the top of the page already and figured it out. I've made this page just to show people a little part of me, because of I tried to show you everything I think that's a little too much. Ok, if you got here, you might already know me. But if you don't you get to find out some stuff.
Ok, where to start, I live here in the state of California, I'm from a small town that's geographically the state's center, north to south and east to west. It's small little farming town. Kind of boring sometimes but I call it home. I'm 25 (going on 26) years old (yeah, I know getting old heard it before), that means I was born in the year of the dragon, according to the Chinese zodiac. I'm a college student, currently at California State University Fresno. That's right, I'm a Fresno State Bulldog. Go Dogs! This year, we got one of the top basketball players in the nation, it should be a fun year on the hardwood. I'm also a coach at my old alma matter, Kingsburg High School. I just finished my first season as the freshman boys assistant coach. So far, it's been a really interesting and great experience. I look forward to the upcoming season and teaching these young men about how to carry themselves as athletes, students, and good people, in general. If you know me, then you know I don't like eating chinese food. Hey, if you ate the stuff for like 20+ years straight, 3 meals a day, wouldn't you get tired of it? Thought so.
Here at home I got a great bunch of friends, they're the best in the world. And I don't just mean acquaitances but these are people that will be part of my life. I've known most of them since elementary, that's my posse the KTP. And recently in the past couple of years I've found a couple of people that I hold close to my heart, even though I haven't known them as long I feel like I can trust them with pretty much anything. You guys know who you are, thanks.
I also love playing basketball. I usually play pretty whenever I have time and in the mood, which isn't very often. Just this past year, my team and I won our divisional championship at Hoop-It Up, in the Fresno tournament. Our first championship and hopefully not our last. How about them Lakers? Kobe, this guy has got skills for days. You have to keep an eye on him every second or you might miss something spectacular. Let's see if Phil Jackson can work some more of that championship magic at the Staples Center in Los Angeles for another Lakers championship. Laker 3-Peat, baby. The Dynamic Duo of the NBA are going to be sitting here atop for a while.
Ok, by now if you don't know me. You're probably wondering what I look like, well I have a picture of me. I'd say I'm fairly average, honestly I don't think of myself if I look good or not. So I usually let people that I know be the judge. It's a little blurry, but people say it's not that bad. I'm the guy with the green suit on, that was at my uncle's 80th birthday party. I will be adding more pictures to this link as soon I as I get them scanned.
Even know as I'm older I still like them a lot. Recently I discovered a thing on the Internet called a MUSH. Where you can role-play a Transformer. It's really fun, and you gotta have a great imagination for it to work. Here's some links that'll give you some information on it.
Transformers 2005 MUSH
Transformers Multiverse
Transformers On-line Encyclopedia
Rob's Transformer Page
TF International Tech Spec Archive
Ebay, great for buying collectibles
And here's the link to my own website. It's a tribute to the toughest group of Autobots this side of Cybertron. The Dinobots, you remember them? They were the dinosaur transforming good guys, a little on the slow side but way cool. They're crude, rude, and intimidating. What more do you want in heroes?
I've also found out that there's a variety of different themed MU*es out on the internet, as well. Personally, I've always been a fan of comic books, so I've been playing at a few different superhero places. I read a small variety of comics out there from the X-Men to the Flash. Click here to find out more about MU*ing and comic books.
Here's a listing of a few other websites around, that I've found and think they're fairly nifty. There's some intersting things to check out on the following links. So feel free to click and take a look around at them. Thanks for looking.
Links to other sites on the Web
ESPN Sportszone
Movie Link
Internatioal Lyrics Server
Lycos People Finder
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