Gen Con '99

For those of you that have actually been to this page more than once, we went to GenCon again this year (2000). It seemed to me that GenCon is steadily growing more and more disorganized, kinda like me. It also is seeing less and less of the cool guests of honor, i.e. this year it was Anthony Daniels....yippee the voice of C3PO the most annoying droid ever created.

Gen Con '99

This year's GenCon kicked ass! I will have some opinions of the stuff we saw/demoed and who we met.

Card Game Demos

Ninja Wars
Ninja Wars was a non-collectable card game that we demoed (and promptly bought). It is 2 - 4 players and extremely fun. The object of the game is to crush your opponents (like most games), but with steath and plots. You assassinate your opponents heroes, burn his towns, cause revolts, bribe heroes, and steal.
Eric - I would have to say that this is the best card-based game I have ever played and well worth the $12 price tag. As an added bonus, Terry signed it for us.
Jeremy -
Jon -
Damion -
Kerry* -

Tomb Raider
Just to prove that people will play almost anything, there is the Tomb Raider collectable card game (::sigh::). I refused to play this demo, although Damion did to kill sometime, so he will be the only one commenting on this game.
Damion -

Wheel of Time
This is Jeremy and Jon's favorite series, so when they found out there was a card game they rushed off to play (after we got Jon's attention to stablize for more than 5 seconds). I was busy running around elsewhere to play, although it looked great. But this is what they have to say about it:
Jeremy -
Jon -

Legend of the Five Rings
This game has one of the coolest concepts for a game. Yet I never really got into the whole collectable card games thing. Jon played this one for about 2 hours and Damion fell asleep during it:
Jon -
Damion -

Role-Playing Demos

Jeremy, Damion and myself all took some time out to try this Sci-Fi RPG. It was well worth our time. After taking a moment to decipher the rules it is actually a fast-paced fun to play game with a lot of possibilities. I would buy it, if I happened to have more time, a bigger apartment and a brain that wasn't already filled with tons of useless knowledge.
Eric - Good game. Fast play, nice solid game mechanics, and a lot of variety.
Jeremy -
Damion -


Timothy Zahn

Job: Author
Known For: Heir to the Empire Trilogy & countless others
Nice Factor: *****
How Long Talked to: 25 min +/-

Hugh ?

Job: Actor
Known For: Was Captain Panaka in Star Wars: Episode One
Nice Factor: ****
How Long Talked to: 3 min (?)

The Crossed Swords

Job: Weapons Merchants & Sword Fighters
Known For: Swordmanship
Nice Factor: *****
How Long Talked to: Long time (here & there through whole Con)

Lou Ferrigno

Job: Actor / Body Builder
Know For: Being the Incredible Hulk
Nice Factor: ?
How Long Talked to: Didn't, walked by but didn't stop.

Other Stuff

C&C: Tiberian Sun
This is the latest installment of Command & Conquer, by Westwood Studios. It seemed very much like the exact same game,just with a face lift (which is still not a bad thing). Jon, Jeremy and I played it, Jeremy got whooped by the classic weeny attack (overwhelm with infantry) and was done right away, and when Jon and I played the network went down, but little we played was very fun, and hey, we got a CD outta the deal.
Jeremy -
Jon -

